Chapter 4

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When I woke up he was gone, I could feel the emptiness in the bed already. I stretched out against the bed, it was huge and made me feel smaller than I already was. But he was a giant and I guess that's why he needed a giants bed. I looked over to the bedside table and notice there was a note there, it made me laugh. For some reason I never imagined Luca as the type to leave notes.

I'll be home at 8, if you need anything ask Mary.

I guess he wasn't used to having a wife. The note just screamed awkwardness. He's handwriting was like him though, clean and meticulous. Knowing he wasn't here, surprisingly made me calm. I felt like I could breath again. I was always wary with him around. I guess that's what happens when you're rooming with a stranger.

I decided that I wasn't going to dwell on that little fact anymore, because despite everything. I was lucky enough to marry someone like Luca, I didn't love him but most people didn't get married for love, there was always a motive behind it. That's just how human beings are, selfish from birth.

Deciding that it was to early for such deep thoughts I got out of bed and walked towards my suitcase, I would have to unpack everything eventually but Luca didn't specify where I should put my clothes. I grabbed the first thing I could find, which was a cute white summer dress with some sandals.

I also took out a bra and some panties, it was then that I remembered I didn't tell my mother to pack shampoo or shower gel. It was always the small essential things you overlooked. I guess I would have to use Lucas, but that felt to intimate.

You've already kissed the guy. What's more intimate than that.

My brain reminded me, as I walked to the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. The bathroom was built to perfection like the rest of the place, whoever he's decorator was, I'm guessing charged a lot of money.

The floor tiles were white and had specks of silver in them that the multiple lights reflected off of. It had a huge basin with a mirror above it. The bathtub was also huge and it was made out of a black granite sort of material and stood out amongst the white tiles, it was beautiful and I couldn't wait to have a soak in there soon.

But today I was sticking with a quick shower that turned out to be not so quick. It was so complicated to turn on that I wished I had waited before stripping out of my clothes as I was now freezing whilst trying to figure out how to turn it on.

It wasn't like the one we had at home, this one seemed to have many functions such as a built in speaker. Why someone would need a speaker was beyond me, I liked to play my music on my phone while I was in the shower like a normal Person. I turned the dial up until it was warm enough for me to step inside.

As soon as I stepped inside I could feel my muscles already relaxing, I looked around and found a shower gel, it was Lucas no doubt, as I poured it into my hand and rubbed it on my body I realised why he always smelled so good. It smelt delicious, I blushed at the idea that he had rubbed this on his body too. I washed my hair again with his shampoo, it would have to do for now.

I stepped out of the shower and reached for the towel I noticed was hanging to the side off it and wrapped it around my body. I tried to dry myself as best as possible as I walked into the room. I hesitated before I dropped the towel, I felt a bit embarrassed and awkward at being naked in his room. But he wasn't here so it was okay. Putting my clothes on quickly and brushing my hair I heard noise coming from the kitchen, they were female but I didn't recognise any of them.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a women sitting on the small island while another was making something at the stove. The women sitting at the island was young, she seemed to be about twenty three, twenty four. She was very beautiful, with long blonde hair and bright hazel eyes.

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