Chapter 10

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I was right about the weather, as soon as we said our goodbyes and I promised to call Parker more often, we parted our ways. And that was when the rain thought it was the perfect moment to start pouring down, it was as if it was just waiting to put a downer on my mood.

Don't get me wrong I love the rain most of the time but only when I can enjoy it and quickly go get a change of clothes, not when I'm most likely going to be soaking until I get home.

I was never more grateful for having a driver than at that moment as I practically ran towards the car. I was still drenched and my hair was stuck to my head. I just wanted to get home quick so I could have a nice warm shower and some tea maybe. Thankfully, the driver didn't mention anything about the fact I was soaking the leather seats, there wasn't much I could do anyways. There weren't any towels or anything to dry myself off with in the car which was quiet normal if I thought about it.

Relaxing into the back seat of the car I starting thinking about the gala which was tomorrow. I still wasn't sure if we were going to go, Luca hadn't mentioned anything and I wasn't sure if I was ready for another public event where we would have to play the part of the perfect couple. Although it wasn't as hard I thought it would be, slowly my body was getting used to Luca's small touches and caresses anytime we were in public, I could say I was even starting to enjoy them.

My mind was a maze right now and I wasn't finding any solution anytime soon, the talk with Parker had helped clear it up a bit but now that I was going to talk to Luca I wasn't sure what I would ask off him. I didn't even know what I wanted from him. No, that was a lie I knew I wanted him to not cheat on me again but apart from that, I couldn't think off anything else.

Did I want Luca to treat me like a wife and everything that was included with it? I had to admit that kiss from my first night in the apartment was still on my mind and it caused butterflies every time I thought about the way Luca held me and how much I liked the feeling. I realised that I didn't mind kissing Luca again but sex, that wasn't something I was ready for and it was okay.

I didn't even understand how he could expect me to go from being an inexperienced virgin to having sex with basically a stranger. I wasn't exaggerating when I said Parker's protectiveness kept boys away, but it was okay. I didn't have a desire to have sex with anyone in high school, besides Parker was having enough sex for the both of us.

We arrive back at the hotel pretty quick and I look at my phone noticing I had enough time to have a shower and watch some tv before having the impending talk with Luca. He normally got home around eight, sometimes nine depending on traffic. We had only been married for a short amount of time for us to get into a couple routine, but I had tried to learn at least when he got home and left for work, I would normally leave some food for him.

I thanked the driver and walked quickly towards the lift, but couldn't help noticing all the stares I got along the way.

Have people never seen someone caught in the rain before?

I think as I run into the lift and the doors close. I hate and love the rain. I love the sound of it and getting fully drenched but the aftermath- the one where you're clothes stick to you and even a bit of a breeze feels ice cold, not so much. 

I open up the notes in my phone and type in the code for the lift, thankfully I was clever enough to save it in my phone when Mary retold it to me.  I lean back against the wall of the lift and let out a breath. Thinking back to today's events. Meeting Parker helped, even if I didn't get an immediate solution, sometimes talking about the problem was help enough.

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