Chapter 5

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We arrive at the club at around nine. It's dark out and I'm already having second thoughts about my dress, especially as I get out of the car trying hard not to flash anyone and stop the wind from reaching my skin.

Shit it's cold, I should have brought a coat.

I close the door to the car and look up, feeling the light drops of the rain that I'm sure will be pouring down any minute now. I could hear Mia telling her driver that she'll call him for a ride if we need one.

I looked over to the entrance and saw the long queue's and numerous bouncers trying to keep people in line and under control. Wow, she wasn't kidding when she said the club was very exclusive, I wondered how we would get in.

"You ready?" Mia asks as she comes up to me, linking arms.

"No." I reply truthfully, letting out a slight laugh.

"Great, let's go." She says as she starts walking towards the door, we already start getting a few weird looks, probably people wondering what the hell we were doing since the line ended on the other street, or at least I think it did. I couldn't see beyond that

"Hey Mark." She screams over the noise from the multiple people trying to get in,some having pre-drinks and getting rowdy. She approaches the mean looking bouncer, he was checking some thing on a board and looks up smiling as he hears her voice.

"Mia, where've you been darling?" He moves to hug her, considering her height, he practically lifts her off the floor. She starts laughing and hugs him back.

"Been busy with the company getting all the dresses ready for fashion week, but I'm finally done and tonight I'm here to let loose." She winks at him.

"Yeah I don't know about that, your boyfriend is here today and I don't think he'll be okay with you getting drunk off your ass. So if I was you, I'd be careful." He says to her.

"Yeah I know. Don't worry, I'll be a good girl." She looks back to see where I am, since I stopped to look at the long line, I was still near enough that I was able to hear them speak.

I was just so amazed at the amount of people wanting to get in, maybe this was a norm for a club but I wouldn't know. I finally catch up with her.

"And who's this pretty young thing?" He asks, clearly checking me out but not in a creepy way.

"This is Luca's wife, so if I was you I'd lower my gaze before he find out, you checked her out." She says laughing, clearly finding his panicked reaction funny, I found myself smiling as well.

"Does the Boss know she's here?" Shit, what if he doesn't let me in, or worse what if he calls Luca.

"Yes, of course he invited her down to check the place out. Now let us in. I need a drink and fast." How she could lie with such ease was beyond me, but thank god for it.

He didn't looked very convinced but eventually decided to let us in, much to everyone in the queue's displeasure. He opened what looked like a side door and let us through.

"Thanks Mark." She says as she walks past him and struts into the place like she owns it. I gave mark a small simile trying to hide how nervous I felt.

"No problem." He shouts out after her, chuckling.

As soon as I step into the club, my senses come to life. I could hear the loud club music pumping through the speakers, feel the base's vibrations go through my body, see all the different people dancing, grinding and God knows what else on the dance floor. I could feel Mia pulling me along while pushing past various bodies grinding against each other.

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