Guess what, I hate airplanes too!

437 29 12

I hugged his finger as I was brought out in the open of the car.

Louis was in the back seat of a limousine. A stinking, LIMOUSINE! I had never been in a limo, little lone in a limo with the famous One Direction!

But, even though I was in a most amazing situation, I just felt fear, relief, and anger.

Normally, I am a laid back person, kind, soft, and rational. It is a rare thing when I actually get angry, in fact, I don't even think any of my closest friends have even seen me get angry. But I think, being picked up against my will and stuffed into a stinking pocket, where I pass out due to dew to nausea of the moment, is reason enough for me to be just a little angry, not to mention being trapped in a dark backpack pocket with clastrophobia!!!

Sooo, I let go of the finger and turned to the other boys in the car and started ranting.

"What gave you the notion to pick me up and stuff me IN YOUR POCKET!!" I yelled, "and who's STINKING idea was it to put me in the BACK PACK!!! Do any of you have a sense of .. being!!" I was wildly gesturing with my hands and pacing back and forth on the hand I was standing on. I sat down.

"Do you know what it feels like to be completely helpless, manhandled and trapped?" I said softer. I looked angrily up at Liam, and my anger melted like a puddle. He looked so heartbroken and regretful.

"I'm..I'm, sorry." I studdered.

"No." He said, "your right, I wasn't thinking and I should have gave you warning."

"I forgive you Li." I said.

"Everything alright back there?" A gruff voice from the front of the vehicle asked. I mentally smacked my face, of course there's a driver! Luckily there was a divider between the front and passenger area, so the driver couldn't see me.

"Amy!" Louis frantically whispered. I jumped into his hands and he concealed me, bringing me to his shirt pocket and sliding me in.

From the pocket, I could barely peek over the rim and see what was going on. Though the literal down side was looking down, like I could fall at any moment. I sighed and sat/laid in the pocket while listening to the giants talk and the beat of Louis's heart .


I was jolted awake by stopping of the car, but what was strange was that there was still noises, like muffled screams. I didn't even remember falling asleep.

I stood up, curious to see what the sound was. Peeking out, I saw dozens of fans screaming and cheering. Louis and the others got out of the car and the sound intensified, giving me ringing ears and punch to the gut that caused me to curl up in the pocket. When I felt Louis start to walk up stairs, I was pretty much deaf and flailing.

I felt Louis come to a stop and sit down. I hoped he was taking me out of this dreadful pocket so I stood up and leaned out of the pocket as best I could, but he suddenly stood up and I fell. Much to my relief, I landed on the cushioned chair, but my breath had been knocked out of me.

I knew that I couldn't stay on the chair, less, someone would sit on me, so I crawled to the chair leg and slid down. I moved towards the middle and curled up, under a chair, in an airplane, not having enough energy to find the boy band....

Muahaha !!! Hit that like button to the master of evil clifhangers!!!! So this is what you get for asking for two updates on one weekend, jk I just felt like it :)
over and out peoples of wattpad.

-your author EA

1 direction and tiny me (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें