For the First Time in Forever... nothing.

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This book has over 1k reads!!!!!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!!!
*gives out nutella and cookies*
I never thought it would get this far. Thanks for reading!!

*Amy's P.O.V*

I awoke in, yet, another strange place.

I looked around at the enormous room surrounding me. I was on a giant pillow, that I admit, was much more comfortable than a counter. I pushed myself up and cried out in pain. I cursed myself for forgetting about my foot.

I inspected my injury and was surprised to find that my shoe had been taken off and my foot was crudely wrapped up with strips of gos... stuff.

I looked around for a band member when the familiar sounds of thundering steps came closer, and the giants Niall, Louis and Liam, walked in.

"Hay short stack," said Niall "How are you feeling?"

"Short stack?" I retorted "is that the best nickname you can come up with?" He shrugged while the other two chuckled at my bold comeback.

"Yep, unless you, love, have got anything better." He said with a grin.

"Anyways," Inputted Louis, "How is your foot?"

"Umm," I say, if I'm honest, it feels like a walrus sat on it after I had ran 15 miles, but I wasn't going to tell them that. "It feels.. beter." I managed a weak smile and nod as if trying to convince them.

"Amy," Louis said softly, "It will take a little more convincing than that."I shrugged it off and rolled my eyes at him but gave in.

"Well, can someone please help me, I am so hungry I think I could eat an entire piece of bacon." Everyone cracked a smile and Harry came over to pick me up. "What time is it anyway?"

"It's almost three."says Niall while I am gingerly lifted up to a breathtaking hight, "The perfect time to get a snack."

"Niall," chided Louis, "for you, it's always time to eat." I laugh at the hilarious, but true, statement.

We went to the living room with Harry carrying me as though I was a china doll.

As he slid me off his hand onto the counter, I asked where Zayn and Liam were.

"They went shopping." Louis replied with a mischievous grin. I raised an eyebrow at him, but then realized that he probably couldn't see my features very well.

"Okeey," I said instead, "then what are we going to eat?" As it turns out, I didn't realy need to ask that question, Niall and louis had already made pancakes eairier that morning, and there was some leftover.

My eyes became as large as saucers as I looked at the hill of fluffy deliciousness. I studdered at the mere sight of the beautifulnes, "I - I get to eat all that!?" I ask in awe.

Niall sighed and put his head on the table as if imagining the food as I would see it. "Yep. " He says, going along with my wistful exaggeration.

After I ate a shocking amount of half a pancake, Louis spilled syrup on me. Yippee. -_- *Note the sarcasm*

"How could you!" I yell as stand there dripping with syrupy glaze.
Louis looked slightly guilty, Harry was stifling a laugh, and Niall was just laughing. (Very loudly I might add)

Boom... creak!!

The front door opened and in came Zayn and Liam to watch me be humiliated. They saw me dripping with sticky syrup and gasped. Zayn started to chuckle along with the rest of them, but thankfully, Liam went over to me and put his shoping bag down.

"What did they do to you?"

I glare.

"What do you think happened! He," I wildly gestured at Louis, "poured syrup on me!!"

They looked at me for a second and started laughing with the rest of them.

"What is it with guys?!!" I pouted, the syrup was starting to dry and I had no idea how I would get it out of my hair.

"I'm sorry Amy." Louis said with his most cute accented voice. Darn him! There was no way I could stay mad so I crossed my arms and turned around.

"You could at least help me clean it off." I muttered. I'm not actually sure if he heard my smaller voice, but he grabbed a plastic bag from Liam and offered a hand for me to get on. I sat down carefully on his hand, making sure to wipe as much syrup off as possible. He walked (thundered) to the bathroom.

So sorry that I haven't been able to update. My wattpad locked me out until yesterday when I found my password .
Thank you guys!
Your author,

1 direction and tiny me (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang