Surprising the Birthday Boyfriend (JK)

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You waited at the end of the line. Some of the fans in front had recognised you as Jungkook's girlfriend but having found how you were going to surprise him for his birthday incredibly adorable, they promised to pretend you were just another fan waiting in line for the fan meet.

You started getting excited for Jungkook's birthday before Jungkook got excited himself, so it was a great disappointment when he broke it to you that he had a fan meet and so you wouldn't be able to celebrate with him. You had been upset several days after and even your Kookie wasn't himself despite the soon approaching birthday; it was the rest of the Bangtan Boys who noticed this and thats where the plan started: you wanted to meet Jungkook on his birthday but he had to meet fans instead, so you became a fan.

The initial idea had been Jimin's, and with help from the rest of the boys you found yourself impatiently waiting at the back of the line of fans ready to surprise your boyfriend. You were wearing a cap, one that you had borrowed from Jungkook but never returned, to cover your face so that as you got closer he wouldn't be able to see it was you. Despite knowing he would be happy to see you, you were still incredibly nervous and the waiting was killing you, especially seeing him hug all the fans, but you couldn't help but be proud of him and how far the boys have come; just because you were dating one of them didn't mean you weren't allowed to unleash your inner army!

After what felt like an eternity later, you were finally the last one in line. While Jungkook was talking to the fan before you, Jimin and Taehyung had not-so-subtely been making faces at you, but luckily your boyfriend was too busy talking to the fan to notice. Once he was done he turned to you unaware of who was actually under that cap; but the second you spoke his face lit up, instantly recognising your voice.

"Oh my god Jagiya?" He exclaimed the moment it sunk in who had actually spoken. You lift the cap off your face and your eyes instantly meet, cautious of the other members watching, you run up and jump up to hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck. It takes him a second to regain balance before you feel his arms around your waist and you stay holding each other for a long time. At some point you felt Jungkook take his cap from your head and put it on his own but you didn't budge, it was his after all. You continued to hold each other for awhile before you spoke mid-embrace.

"Happy birthday Kookie Oppa!!" You feel him grip harder before you both slowly release your hold on each other and you slowly place your feet solidly on the ground having been on tip-toe in order to reach the giant maknae.

"I can't believe you're here Jagi I missed you so much, my birthday isn't any good without you!" Holding both your hands tightly, Jungkook was practically jumping up and down on the spot looking at you like an excited puppy who's just been presented with a treat, you couldn't help but giggle at his excitement, he may have just turned a year older but he was still a child at heart. He pulled you in for another hug and suddenly you found his lips pressed against yours, and there they stayed for a long time.

When you finally broke away and finished having your moment you noticed the other members surrounding you: Jimin and Taehyung were watching with excitement while Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok were turned away having their own conversation with Yoongi half paying attention to them and half paying attention to you and Jungkook with a slight look of disgust which you couldn't help but chuckle at; he found you both adorable really.

For who knows how long, you and Jungkook continued to cuddle while you wished him happy birthday and he continued exclaiming how glad he was you were here, but you were eventually interrupted by the manager as the fan meet was over and you had to get going.

"Best birthday ever!" Jungkook shouted right before running off after the other members, you're hands interlocked as you were dragged along failing to stop the already massive smile on your face from growing. Best boyfriend ever.

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