4 Years Later (S)

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"We're too young and immature for this!" Yoongi yelled as tears fell from his eyes.

"Oppa please, yes we married at a young age but its because we love each other, right?" I yelled back crying. I waited for a response but got nothing, he simply looked down, a tear falling to the ground as he did so.

"Oppa?" I whimpered, as he stood still giving no response.

"Sorry Jagi, I just can't" He ran past me to the bedroom and started grabbing his stuff. Before I knew it, he had gone.

4 Years Later

I walked through the park breathing in the fresh air. A couple of kids ran past and knocked me off course from the path so I decided to take a seat on a nearby bench.

While I was on my phone someone came and cautiously sat next to me but I took no notice of them until they spoke.

"On your phone while out on a day like this?" I froze. I knew that voice, and so I looked up to see Yoongi smiling at me, he was blushing and looked slightly sheepish but it was him.

"Yoongi Oppa?" I stuttered as I said his name, I hadn't said it in four years. Yoongi hadn't changed much since then, the only noticeable difference was that his hair was back to its natural colour.

"You're even more beautiful than the day I lost you." His eyes were rimmed with tears.

"You didn't lose me, you left me" Seeing his face reminded of that day, I didn't want to relive it so I turned my attention back to my phone.

"I was young and immature, we were blinded by our love and moved too quickly, I was scared." He spoke with a quiet, deep voice and started playing with my hair as he did so. I wanted to pull away but I didn't.

"You were scared." I repeated his words and looked up, slightly taken aback when I met his staring eyes that had tears falling freely from them.

"Yes. Id started a career earlier than most and so marriage was the only thing left for me to complete. It happened sooner than I though and it scared me not knowing what else I wanted to do in my life..." he trailed off and broke eye contact as he tried to hold back more tears.

"You should have said something Oppa, I could have helped." I cupped my hand on his chin and moved his head until he was looking at me again. We looked into each other's eyes until he completely broke and started sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I was stupid and I just..." he broke off because I kissed him. The kiss quickly turned passionate and so lasted for a while before we broke away. By the time we released my hands were wrapped around Yoongi's neck and his were round my waist.

After breaking away Yoongi sat wide-eyed starring at me, I laughed and he broke his gaze, looked down for a moment and then looks back up with a smirk.

"Uh oh." I murmured as I remembered exactly what that smirk meant. Yoongi pulled me onto his and started kissing my neck.

"That's the Jagiya I remember." He whispered in my ear sending a shiver down my spine. I pried his hands from my waist and stood up, turning around to face him.

"Come back to mine and I'll show you more." He smirked and stood up, holding both my hands.

"I'll come back and I'll never leave. I promise." And with that we walked hand in hand back to my house where we made up for the last four years we had missed together.  

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