Something Beautiful (JK)

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As soon as the bell went you're class rose from their seats and made a break for the exit before the teacher could give them their homework, you looked around until you saw your best friend just up ahead, jogging to catch up to him.

"Oh hey Y/N" You're sudden appearance next to him startled him but he recovered quickly once he saw who it was, a smile making its way onto his face.

"Are we still going to the park?" You've wanted to go to the park since the start of the week as you have to take photos for your photography class and the park has the best setting.

"I don't know Y/N I have loads of homework due tomorrow that I haven't done." He looked sheepishly at the ground as you stopped at your locker to get your things.

"But Jungkook" You moaned as you grabbed your school bag and camera, Jungkook was leaning against the locker next to yours so you turned to him and pouted trying to convince him to come.

"Don't give me that look." Jungkook laughed and looked away, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. When he looked back you were still doing it so he couldn't help but give in.

"Uh fine lets go to the park." after a quick visit to Jungkook's locker and a ten-minute walk you both went through the gates into the large park.

"Cheer up Kookie it's nice out today." You got your camera out as you noticed him sulking.

"I guess... so what you taking photos of this time?" You were often taking photos for your class, photography was your favourite, and Jungkook always seemed interested in your photography.

"The teacher was really vague, he just said 'something beautiful'" You walked over to a flowerbed, Jungkook following behind, watching intently.

"Something beautiful, you could just take a selfie." Jungkook murmured to himself with no intention of you hearing what he said, but you had.

"What?" You turned around to face him, the moment he realized you had probably heard him pure panic appeared on his face before he looked down trying to hide his face that was now bright red.

"Oh um, nothing, don't worry." He turned around pretending to watch a butterfly fly pass. You smirked at his behaviour before turning your attention back to your camera.

Ten minutes passed of you walking around taking photos, Jungkook following closely behind, not taking his eyes off you as he watched you work intently.

"Are you gonna stare at me like that until I've finished?" You turned to Jungkook, a slight smirk on your face.

"What...staring...I wasn't...I" The sudden question surprised him; once again he was looking down to hide the blush on his face. You giggled, making him look up to you, you held eye contact for what felt like ages before you started to turn back to the flowers you were taking photos of.

"I love you." You froze as you heard him mumble, this time though; you were supposed to hear it. You turned to look at him; he was still blushing but wasn't trying to hide it this time. He rubbed the back of his neck looking down for a second before looking you straight in the eye.

"I'm sorry, I know this is sudden and its probably going to ruin everything but I can't keep it in anymore, I just, I've had a crush on you since elementary school, I knew you wouldn't like me that way so I wanted to make sure you at least liked me, that's how we became best friends and its the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I've never been able to rid my real feelings and the more I've spent time with you the more I've liked you because you're so amazing and beautiful and I know this will probably ruin our friendship and make things awkward but I just, I love you so much and I can't keep hiding it." Jungkook looked down at the ground and took a step back; clearly worried he might have just ruined everything. Unknown to him, you also have a crush on him and you couldn't help but find how flustered he was getting incredibly cute.

"Kookie calm down." You giggled lightly, making him look up in confusion.

"What, but I've probably made our friendship so awkward why are you laughing is this funny to you I'm sorry I just..." He was cut off when you're lips met his, you felt bad making him worry like this so you thought you'd shut him up with a kiss; let him know that he didn't make things awkward. After you broke away you smiled up at Jungkook who was stood in shock staring at you.

"Wait... what?" You laughed at his remark, before going up to him and resting your hands on his chest. He tensed up wondering what he was supposed to do, but he didn't move away.

"I've also had a crush on you Kookie, I was hoping you'd feel the same way." This time it was you hiding the blush on your cheeks, you buried your head into your hands, still resting on his chest. You stayed there as you felt Jungkook wrap his arms around your waist, you looked up and your eyes met.

"Well I do." Jungkook whispered before leaning in and kissing you again but this time for longer and way more passionate.

This was the start of a different but better relationship with Jungkook.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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