Hot Cocoa and New Schools

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"So,have you decided which school you want to go to yet?" Stacey hints while I sip on my hot cocoa. Ugh, she's been dropping hints since we got here 3 days ago. "No, not really. Stacey do I really have to go to a new school? I mean my old one is just a 30 minute drive from here..." I whine.

"Yes,you do. There is no way in this hemisphere that I'm driving 30 minutes South to drop you off at school when I work 40 minutes North. But nice try Tri!" I think I'm going to die! Not only do I have to make a new best friend (not that I had one before) but now I have to go to a new school.

I sigh and drink the rest of my cocoa. "I'll check the programs again and let you know." Stacey's smile turns into one of victory. "Great! So I better get going, otherwise Terise will think I stood her up. Please pay the bill? Next one's on me. Toodles." She says with a wink as she stands up and walks out the door to go meet her best friend. I'm glad that I live with Stacey, she's the 26 year old spunky, hip and outgoing friend I never had. The thought makes me giggle as I signal the waiter to bring the bill.

As I scan through the programs, one catches my eye. Springfield Park High. Huh, sounds interesting enough. It's decided then.... Springfield jada jada jada.

When I arrive home Stacey is busy making dinner. "So, I went to the library after lunch," I say hesitantly. Stacey just hums in return. "Mmhm, and how did that go?"

"Well,I found a new school if that's what you're asking."

"Really? That's great Tri! Which one?"

"I think the name's Springfield Park High..." I trail off. That's a good school right? "That's a wonderful school Tri, good choice. It's actually the perfect school to go to for your senior year. Uh, when do you turn 18 again?" Stace giggles nervously.
"In 3 months and 1 day." I state matter-of-factly. "And today's the 18th of June so that means....your birthday is the 19th of September?" Stacey asks.


"Well, I better start planning then." Stacey says and rushes to her office upstairs. Well, at least I don't have to plan my own party, Stace has got it all under control.... I think.

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