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*Alec's P.O.V*

When she first walked into the cafeteria I thought she was just another new girl,but then she looked my way and I was breathless. And not just because Austin decided to punch me in the stomach for ignoring him. She was beautiful! I have never ever seen a girl that good looking.

"Ma-han! Hey Alec check the sexy new chick. I call dibs." Dustin says and wolf whistles.

"We'll see about that." I say with a smirk and start digging into my burger.

But not before I get to check her sitting at Kim's table. Kim and I are cousins, I'm sure she'll introduce me.

*Daughtry's P.O.V*

The first thing I notice as I walk into Maths, is that I've got a few fans apparently.

In the far left corner of the classroom a group of guys are staring at me waiting for the teacher to show me to my seat.

Amongst them the guy with the blue eyes, Alec I think his name is, is typing furiously on his phone.

"Miss Greene, you may choose yourself a seat so I can start with class." The teacher says.

"Oh, of course." I reply sheepishly.

As class starts I feel eyes on me. More than one pair, might I add. Irritated, I turn to see all the boys at the back ducking except for two. Alec is staring at me with a smirk and another boy with white-blond hair and a square face has a huge smile plastered on his face.

Well that's not weird at all. Please note the sarcasm.

"Hey gorgeous."

Sighing I slam my locker door shut. I'm not particularly excited to see who the cheesy boy is that just called me that.

"What do you want?" I sigh rolling my eyes. When I see who I'm talking to, my eyes widen at the sight of the boy with white-blond hair and square face smiling at me.

"You." he says wiggling his eyebrows.

I sigh again, not really wanting to know this numnut's name, but then again... Stacey said to make friends. "And you are?"

"Dustin,man of your dreams," he says smirking "and future husband."

"Well, nice to meet you Dustbin. I'm Daughtry." I say smirking at my good choice of nickname."It's Dustin, and nice name Daughtry."

Thanks... I think smiling. I always loved my name because my parents came up with it together. My mom was a florist and she absolutely loved any tree. So much so that you just had to point to a tree and she could tell you the name of it. So when my dad said "Look at our new daughter." my mom came up with the name Daughtry.

Dustin snaps me back to reality by waving his hand in front of my face. "Love daydreaming much?" he says chuckling just as the bell rings.

"Well I gotta go. I hear the Biology teacher is a bitch." I say. "Yeah you might wanna sprint there, if you're late you get detention."

"And then I can blame you!" I shout while jogging to class. Let's hope I'm early...

Picture of Alec to the side*

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