Lockers and graves.

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"Would you like to tell me why you are currently hiding in your locke- quick question, how did you even fit in there?!" Bernie exclaims smirking.

"Shh." I whisper to her.

"What? Why?" She whispers back.

"I said shh."

"Come on Tri, just tell my why you're hiding?" Bernadette whines.

"Is the coast clear?" I whisper to her and she just shrugs. "Not sure from whom it's clear but there's nobody in this hall except you and me. Thank God for that, people would think I've gone mad, talking to a locker door." she replies relieved.

I step out of the locker (well more like squeezed out, but nobody needs to know that) and first looking left and right I sigh in relief when I see that there are, in fact, no other students in this hall.

"So..." she drawls "you gonna tell me why you're hiding now?"

I give her a flat look before answering, "Well it's obvious that you weren't in the cafeteria when I threw that stupid pear this morning." I drawl sarcastically.

"Oh. Oh." she answers cringing. Then she bursts out laughing. "You still hiding from Alec?" She says cracking up.

"No Bernadette, I just wanted to climb into my locker because it was a little cold out here." I say, sarcasm evident in my voice. "Of course I'm hiding from him!"

"Wow, looks like someone took their sarcasm pills this morning." She says smirking.

"Bleh!" I say sticking out my tongue like a five year old. "Bleh! Bleh!" She says mimicking me.

"But seriously Tri, it can't be that bad, can it? I mean sure he threatened to get back at you but that's not so bad." Bernadette said trying to calm me down.

"Not so bad? Not so bad?!" I screech "Bernie he swore to get back at me... And I'm getting the feeling he'll make it hurt! You know what? I think I should tell Stacey that she should start planning my funeral, just in case. Yes, I want to be in a white dress surrounded by white roses. But they need to go under the ground with me and they need to be with me in my casket, that way my body won't stink so easily. We wouldn't want the ground thinking I don't bath."

Laughing, she slaps my shoulder. "You're such a drama queen."

"Am not." I say whacking her hand away.

"Are to."

"Am not."

"Are to."

"You're just jealous that I'm a better point prover." I say smirking.

"Yeah," she says with a smirk of her own. "because Alec totally believed your 'point' with that pear."

I sigh depressed and think back to this morning's scandal in the cafeteria...

"Shit!" I hear and duck my head. Oh my word I am soooo dead. As I look back I see the one person I was actually hoping not to hit, Alec. I see him looking around and just as I'm about to turn back to the table, the two of us lock eyes and I spin around with the speed of light.

'Oh please, oh please, oh please let him not know' I think in vain. After having a little whisper-scream with Clover and Bernadette the two of them fall eerily silent and it's then that I start hearing footsteps. I take a quick glance over my shoulder to see Alec say something to one of the guys at his table and start making his way toward our table.

"What are you doing?" Kim whispers.

"I'm praying." I answer quickly.

"Little late for that." she says and also falls silent.

That's when I feel a tap on my shoulder and against my better judgement I turn, already knowing who it is.

"I take it you're the one that threw this pear at me." Alec says as I meet his blue eyes.

"N-no. W-why would I d-do that?" Oh that's just great Daughtry, stutter, because he'll totally believe you.

"Oh really? Then tell me, why were you the only one in this whole cafeteria not trying to see what had happened? You were the only one that didn't look. I would say those are the actions of the culprit." he says smirking as I cringe.

As I look around the table I see that everyone - except the boys who are still in line - is very interested in their meals. Well thanks for the support guys. Another feeling makes it's way into the picture. Not sure if I'm liking it but who cares? I'll be annoyed if I want to.

"Look Alec, I'm sorry, it was an accident. I just wanted to prove to these girls over here," I say gesturing towards Clover, Bernie and Kim. "that I could throw the pear into the dustbin without looking."

"Well you sure as hell can't throw to save your life." he says smirking. "My table isn't anywhere near the dustbin."

"Yes, I know."

"Ok so to make this fair, I'm gonna give you a warning. You hurt me by throwing me with a pear that was actually quite hard, so don't think I'll just let this pass. I'll get you back for this Daughtry." he says while displaying an evil smirk.

"Wait," I say just as he turns to walk away. "how do you know my name? I've never even met you before now."

"One thing your friends over here should maybe tell you, is that word in this school travels faster than the speed of sound."

"Oh and one more thing, it would probably be for the best if you didn't go near the football fields, we wouldn't want that pretty face being hit by a football now would we?" he says and walks back to his table. Just as he sits down I see Tiffany smirking evily, happy that Alec just lost his cool with me.

I feel the blood drain from my face once again as I stand up. "I'll see you guys later. I think I left my Bio book in the library." Lie. Still a little annoyed, and now a little scared, I walk to my locker and climb in when I see the hallway is empty.

"Well... well he's to clever to see my dumb point." I say once again showing her my glorious tongue.

Bernadette gives me a 'You've gone completely bonkers' look and shakes her head. "Ok whatever, let's forget about that and we'll all meet at my house after school. To you know, blow off some steam and watch movies. Hey! Let's make it a sleep over! Then we can properly make you an official member of our crew. It is Friday, isn't it?" Bernie says.

"I'll have to go home and check with Stace first and yes it is Friday, about that, why did they start school on a Thursday?" I ask.

"Oh it's just a Springfield High thing," she says nonchalantly. "happens every year."

Well that's not something you hear everyday.

Sorry for making you guys wait so long... Trying to make the chapters longer...
Xoxo Kimi

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