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Another one bites the dust~ I'm here again! Now, don't expect this to happen more often unless I'm on a writing spree with a massive amount of feels. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please let me know what you think! Yours truly~

-absoLouis <3


"Are you just going to sit there or are you going to come and enjoy your birthday party?" A young female asked, popping her head into view of the setting sun before Ashlee's eyes. Her light brown eyes were different from her sisters' and her hair was thicker than theirs as well. But her smile was the same as theirs, bright and soft all in one.

"Just give me a couple more minutes, Lynn. I know he'll be here soon." Ashlee said, seated at the patio table between the garden and the mini playground she had set there a few years ago. She sat in a tall green chair she had painted because it was a color that reminded him of home. She sat in his chair, anxiously waiting for him.

"It's your seventh birthday party and everyone's come to see you." Lynn pleaded with her but Ashlee paid it no mind. Lynn sat on the patio chair beside Ashlee. "Fine, I'll just wait with you." She said, fiddling with her freshly curled hair. Ashlee sighed.

"You can't. If you wait with me, he won't come." She said, lowering her brown eyes to meet her sister's. Ashlee smoothed the pleats of her spring dress nervously, fingertips grazing the lace trim. Lynn stared at her sister for a moment before standing up and gazing towards the sky. The sun was setting and soon the moon would come out.

"Alright. Just hurry up before Ann gets mad and stops you from playing out here." Lynn said, and with the turn of her heel, she left.

A gust of wind suddenly appeared and Ashlee's perfectly French braided hair was in a swirl behind her back, tufts of hair beside her bangs whirling in the wind. Ashlee tugged on her sleeves, suddenly wishing she had brought her beige cardigan her mum had given to her oldest sister that had been passed down to the next sibling born.

There was a bustling noise coming from the trees behind the small playground that led into the forest. Ashlee felt a shudder run down her spine as the wind picked up and then left. "How long have you been waiting?" a voice sounded. Ashlee whipped her head towards the trees and almost instantly, a smile had crawled its way onto her lips.

"You made it, you finally made it!" She rejoiced, climbing down from the green patio chair she had been seated in for the past hour. He stepped out from the trees, a smile as big as her's on his face. His eyes were a deeper blue this time, and his blond hair was nearly fading away as the brown showed more. She ran for him and collided with his legs, wrapping her arms tightly around them, making him take a step back.

"You think I'd miss your seventh birthday?" He asked, bending at the waist to hug the young girl back. She smiled up at him, the corners of her eyes scrunching closed yet her brown eyes shined brightly. "Am I here on time?" He whispered into her ear and she backed away, giggles leaving her lips from the tickling sensation his breath caused on her ear.


"He's here, he's here!" The birthday girl softly announced, dragging the older boy by the hand as she made their way towards the tables and decorations in the front yard of their house. The small chatters and clinking of glass died down as the guests' eyes focused on the two people. Ann stood quickly, smoothing out the back of her dress.

"You finally came." She said, her voice almost motherly. "Nice to finally meet you, Niall. I'm Ann." She slowly stuck out her hand and he took it. The small talk and eating resumed at the contact of their hands. They shook hands for a moment before Niall felt a tug on his tuxedo sleeve and he looked down, releasing Ann's hand. Brown eyes stared at him in an almost cautious and frightened way. He smiled and bent down to the little girl's level.

"Don't worry, princess. You still got me." He whispered, placing a soft kiss on the top of her forehead. He straightened up and sent his smile towards the older sister.

"We've heard so much about you from little Ashlee, here." She chuckled, before going to sit down at the table. "Have a seat, you two." She said, motioning for the pair to sit beside her and her two sisters. Wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at Ashlee, Marie was elbowed lightly by Lynn.

"So you're Niall." Lynn said, a small smile on her lips. Niall blushed and nodded. Ashlee must have been talking about him nonstop if her sisters already knew him. "How old are you? You look like you're more than a tad bit older than our baby sister."

"I'll be turning 25 in September." He announced and the two middle sisters "ooh~"ed at his response.

"Are you her boyfriend?" Lynn asked.

"Are you really a time traveler?" Marie piped up and their table went quiet. Niall gulped down the lump that had appeared in his throat before looking at the blushing birthday girl.

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