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Niall had taken her to specific dates and places the younger girl had told him. The first date was August 15, 1988 which was Ann's first day of kindergarten.

They stood just outside the gates of the school as they searched the crowd of parents and toddlers for her mum and sister. Ashlee knew what her mum looked like from photos around the house, but when she saw her in person, she felt like she was seeing a whole new person. The photos couldn't compare to real life because it couldn't show just how much personality Julia had.

She spotted her mum in a light pink dress that was decorated in floral print. Her hair was the same shade of dark brown as the hair on Ashlee's head, but her hair was wavy like Marie's. She could see her oldest sister clinging to her mum's leg, creating creases in the skirt of her dress and Ashlee laughed. She had never seen Ann look so vulnerable and scared before.

"Ann looks so tiny." Ashlee said, the sides of her eyes crinkling. Niall looked down at her before smiling in return. He held out his hand and she gladly took it. "Oh, look! I think mum's holding Lynnie!" She squealed, squeezing the Irish lad's hand in delight.

"I think Lynn may be about one, right now." He said, returning his gaze back to the three. Julia turned around for a brief moment, and brought her hand just above her eyes to shield the sun away, a smile on her lips. Niall stared at her as did Ashlee, soaking up her facial features. "You really do look like your mum." Niall said, squeezing her hand this time.


She chose two more dates she had seen on photographs in the scrapbook albums that collected dust in their small library that was kept away in their father's office. She chose these dates because that's when their mum was lively, always smiling so brightly in the photos that her eyes were crinkled all the way shut.

The second date Ashlee chose was June 18, 1991 which was Lynn's second birthday. She remembered seeing her two oldest sisters in smaller forms, faces covered in cake frosting as well as their mum's clothes. They laughed so melodically as their mum struggled to wipe the frosting off their faces and it ended up on her perfect maroon blouse. Their dad laughed just as much as he shot all the photos. So that's why papa wasn't in much photos. She thought.

The third date was Marie's day of birth. The four member family was now five and they all looked so happy to have yet another girl join their clan. Ashlee remembered thinking how cute Marie was as a newborn, hair so sparse but enough just to create a fauxhawk on her tiny head. Ann and Lynn argued over their new baby sister's name, shouting whatever name popped into their minds like Rachel or Jessica, and Lilian or even Spike--which was Lynn's suggestion.

And the final date Ashlee asked to go was the day of her birth. Niall was reluctant at first, unsure if he should let her see her mother in such a state, but she was persistent, widening her eyes for affect.


They arrived outside of Cheshire Medical Centre. Ashlee held onto Niall's hand as they entered through the hospital doors. He squeezed her hand as he felt her tremble with every step they took.

"You sure you want to do this?" he asked, guiding her through the thick double doors. He glanced down at her, watching her bite her bottom lip nervously.

"Pretty sure." Her face relaxed to the point where it was void of all facial expressions. Niall nodded and they continued down the long, white corridor. They reached a room that had her last name written on the chalk board beside the door. With a long exhale, Ashlee placed a hand on the door and gently pushed it open, releasing the trapped calls and screams of a woman and the staff members.

A male in blue scrubs and a matching facial mask glanced their way. "You're not allowed in here!" He called, causing the other members in the room to look at them. Ashlee's eyes found familiar brown eyes and soon realized she was looking at her father, just thirteen years younger.

"Let them stay. They're my children." Eugene said, eyes connecting with his daughter in a knowing yet foreign way. The male nurse nodded before turning his attention back to the woman on the gurney.

Her face was pale, color drained from the long fifty-five hours of labor. Her hair lacked the shine it once had in the photographs that decorated their home. Her body was limp, energy completely gone and almost lifeless. Ashlee stared with wide eyes as she took in her mother's appearance. The heart monitor beside the bed began beeping uncontrollably, loud screeches emanating from the speakers and sending her hearing out the window.

"We're losing them! Mr. Carrow, you've got to decide!" The head doctor shouted from the other side of the sheet that covered the lower half of his wife's body.

"We talked about this, we knew it was going to be a difficult delivery." Eugene whispered, holding the delicate, pale hand that belonged to his wife in his. "She said to save our baby, no matter what the situation was." He said, his voice louder this time and finalizing the decision.

Ashlee watched the doctors nod in affirmation and started to work on retrieving the newborn baby from the bloodied stomach, tears collecting before her eyes. She turned to Niall who watched the scene unfold before his ocean blue eyes, horror darkening his irises, and squeezed his hand. "I'm ready to go."

Niall nodded and scooped up the teenager in his arms, letting her hide her face in the crook of his neck as soft sobs escaped her lips. They exited the room, walking back down the long, white corridor and out the double doors. Once they were out of the hospital building, he felt his body stiffen and heard her cries grow louder. The once clear sky was soon filled with terrifying grey clouds, lightning flashing across the sky.

In an instant, a blue-yellow bolt flashed down to where they stood and flashed back up, taking them with it.


"Woah, you okay there mate?" A young male with cinnamon brown hair and bright blue eyes said, stopping in his tracks as his friend had tripped on his footing. His blond haired friend nodded, taking heavy breaths as he straightened up his posture.

"Yeah, just felt a bit light headed there." His friend replied. "What do you think that could be, Lou?"

"Not quite sure, Ni. Have you traveled with anyone recently?" Louis asked, picking up the dropped sketchbook and drawing utensils. He handed them back to his friend before they got back in step towards their evening Uni class, Art 213. Niall tapped his drafting pencil against his lip as he tried to recall such an event.

"Don't think so. Last time I traveled was to Cheshire and it was by myself." Niall said, glancing at his mate who nodded.

"Maybe you traveled with someone in the future?" Niall rolled his eyes and playfully shoved the Doncaster lad. Louis chuckled, going to shove Niall back but stopping in mid movement before his eyes glossed over, his pupils disappearing and his blue eyes clouding over.

"Shit, I traveled with someone, didn't I?" Niall said, continuing to walk beside the blank faced Louis. "Shit, shit, shit. Was it with Ash at least?" He asked, not knowing if Louis could hear him or not.

"You've just lost an entire year and four months." Louis said, voice deep and just as void of emotion as his face. Niall stared at his friend incredulously as they both stopped in their tracks. "Where the fuck did you travel to to lose a year and four months of your life?" Louis scolded, firmness back in his voice.

"Calm down, time keeper. M'sure it was for a good reason!" Niall shouted, holding his hands up in defense.


I finaly updated! Here you go, and enjoy~ Let me know what you think? Sorry it's shorter than usual. This writer's block has been killing me and I just couldn't start a new story without updating this. You know? Comments or votes are greatly appreciated.

-anchors_larry <3

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