Chapter four

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Hello, it's me.
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over, everything
They say that times supposed to heal you, but I ain't done much healing.

**Emily POV**

As Spencer and I prep for the arrival of the girls a wave of anxiety hits me.

What if they don't like me?

What if they judge me?

I need to make a good impression of i want to make any friends.

Spencer and I finish laying out blankets on the floor of her barn that had been newly renovated. We got pillows, pop, chips, cookies(because apparently their Hanna's favourite) and some red bull. Apparently Spencer has a stash of it for when she studies. Once were done we go back to her house and wait for the girls arrival.

First to come was Aria. She had a dark hair with a pink streak in it and a skirt with skulls on it with a leather jacket and tank top. She's different but in a good way.

"Hi I'm Aria you're Emily right?" Aria asks.

"Yeah I'm Emily, I'm Spencer cousin." I say shyly and look towards Spencer. She sees that I'm nervous and takes Aria to the barn.

The doorbell rings and I open it revealing a blonde with blue eyes. She's very pretty. Not that you'll ever admit it out loud.

"Hi I'm Emily you must be Hanna." I say with a smile and extend my hand.

Hanna pulls me in for a tight hug and says "yes I'm Hanna and you're Emily God Spencer has been talking about you non stop for the last two days." I laugh with her and tell her to go to Spencer's barn.

I wait about 20 minutes and no one else comes. I get up to leave and there's a knock on the door. I open it up and another, blonde with blue eyed girl is behind it. She's different though. She seems like more of a leader. She's very pretty as well. Again, doesn't matter.

"Hi I'm Emily and you are?" I say and she looks up from her phone, she had a mean face on.

"I'm Alison, Alison Dilaurentis. Are you new here?" Alison asks and raises her eyebrow.

"Y-yeah I'm uh Spencer's cousin." I say very nervously now. Jeez this girl is intimidating.

"Oh hi Emily. Where Spencer?" Alison says more nicely and stepping into the house.

"The girls are in the barn, why don't we go there now?" I say and take her through the backyard and to the girls.

"Guys everyone's here now" I say and they all look up.

"Alison what took you so long. You made Emily wait in my house forever." Spencer says getting up.

"It's not a big-" I get cut off.

"I was busy." She says bluntly.

"Too busy to meet my cousin?" Spencer shoots back. I sit down, now feeling anxious again.

"Not my fault, I couldn't just end the date." She says and crosses her arms.

"Date with who?" Spencer questions.

"You don't know him, he's older." Alison snaps and everyone goes quiet for like 20 seconds. Awkward.

Suddenly Alison looks towards me.

"I'm sorry Emily for making you wait. But how bout we have fun now?" Alison says sitting next to me on the couch. The girls seemed a little shocked but it quickly went away.

"Yeah sure, we could watch a movie?" I offer shyly.

"Sure, sounds great." Alison says looking at me, as if trying to figure something out.

Hanna clears her throat.
"How bout we start off with friends and order some pizza?" She suggests and we all agree.

**No POV**

After watching a few episodes of friends, Emily found herself staring out the window. Wondering what her parents were doing. Probably still haven't noticed you were even gone.

She shook her head. Of course they've noticed she's been gone by now. Then why haven't they called then huh? If they had noticed they wouldn't of called anyway. You're a disappointment. They even said so.

Emily found herself tearing up, but she wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Are you okay?" Alison whispered to the sad girl.

"Yeah, yeah I think so." Emily whispered back, whipping her tears. Trying to distract herself with anything but failing.

"Here, come with me." Alison says, excusing them to the other room.

"Em, what's wrong?" Alison asks, Emily is kinda surprised at the use of her nickname, but stuck to the real topic.

"It's just, I was thinking about what my parents were doing right now or if they missed me." Emily hadn't thought what made her open up to the girl like that but she felt like it was okay.

"Come here" The blonde pulled the crying brunette in for a hug and rubbed her back. Soothing the upset girl. Even though they barely knew each other it felt right. Alison didn't know why she was being soft towards the girl but didn't think about it too much.

"Why did you leave your home?" Alison asked while still having the girl in her arms.

"They don't love me. They love their perfect daughter and I can't be that for them." Emily cried more after saying that out loud. She probably thought that if she were to talk about this with someone that it wouldn't be a stranger to her, but it really felt good to actually talk about it.

"Why wouldn't they love you? You're perfect. Trust me." Alison cooed. Emily didn't think much of it, but it sounded nice to hear, especially from someone who is indeed perfect.

"B-because I'm g-g-gay" Emily stuttered out and cried even harder than before. Alison's eyes went wide for a moment, but then realized it didn't matter. She needed comfort not judgment, not that she judged her.

"That doesn't make you any less perfect Emily. You're still just as amazing and you shouldn't think anything less of yourself just because of that. Please don't let that control you. You're better off without them and in a positive place like here. I'm always here for you okay?" Alison offered. She really did have a soft spot for the girl, maybe because she hadn't known her. But it didn't bother her. This really wasn't what Alison was usually like, but she found it more comfortable. Being nice and supportive rather than being a bitch and rough.

"Thank you Ali, this really means a lot. But can we keep this a secret? I don't know if I'm ready to tell the others yet." Emily says, standing up to join the girls once again. Alison stands up and looks into Emilys soft brown eyes.

"Of course. It'll be our secret."

And with that, they joined the girls, who had fallen asleep by now. And they snuggled up on the floor. Not together, but not apart either. There started a toxic but loving and beautiful friendship. Emily and Alison will always be different.

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