Chapter eight

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If you take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledge hammer
And if you take my heart beat now it would hit you like a sledge hammer
(See what I did there)

**No POV**

As Emily sits in class she can't help but feel so bored. She's currently in math and she had already done this unit at her old school just before she came here meaning, she knew it all. She decided to text Melissa about meeting Lauren later today.

[emily-10:34am] hey Mel

[mel-10:37am] hey Emmy what's up

[emily-10:38am] in math bored out of my skull you?

[mel-10:38am] just finished showering. Might do some writing.

[emily-10:40am] I was wondering if you had Lauren's number?

[mel-10:42am] oh yeah here it is *number attached*

[emily-10:43am] thanks melly poo

Emily copied the number and made a new contact for the unknown girl. She felt really stupid once it hit her.

What is she supposed to say? Hey I'm the gay one you're hanging out with later I'm just gonna text you randomly and not creepily at all.

Emily rolled her eyes to herself. Maybe she's being a little dramatic.

[emily-10:47am] hey I'm Emily Melissa's cousin. We're meeting later today?

Smooth. Real smooth.

Emily mentally slapped herself. She shouldn't of texted her. What if she's busy right now? What if she doesn't get the text till later? That'd be nice to be hanging out and she sees she tried to make an effort to contact her earlier. Very emba-

Emilys thoughts were stopped when her phone vibrated.

[lauren-10:50am] oh yeah, my aunt told me about that. I think it'll be great to hang out:)

Emily sighs in relief from being embarrassed. Not as bad as it seemed.

[emily-10:51am] I was thinking maybe when you come over we could go to the brew for some frappes and talk?

After Emily sent that she noticed her leg frantically bouncing up and down. She doesn't even know what the girl looks like.

[lauren-10:53am] sounds fun! See you there at 3:15?

Emily smiles to herself.

[emily-10:53am] sounds great! See you then:)

Emily puts her phone down and looks up at the teacher till her phone vibrates again.

[lauren-10:54am] :)

Emily did feel a lot more comfortable getting that text, not feeling as awkward as she had before. Yes it was a pretty dumb idea to text the unknown girl but in the end Emily was happy she did. Emily was thinking of how their meeting was gonna be like that time flew by and next thing she knew it was lunch time.

"Hey Mona" Emily says while sitting down in the same place as yesterday with Mona.

"Hi Emily!! How has your day been?" Mona asks her cheerfully. Mona hadn't had many friends or anyone to stick up for her like Emily had, and she was really great full for it. She knew when Emily did that, that she had a big heart.

"My days been pretty boring to be honest but now I'm here with you. How about your day?" Emily asks and smiles at her. Taking her sandwich and taking her first bite of food that day, smiling a little more at the taste.

"Well in science class, Lucas and I were lab partners and he accidentally poured too m-" Mona was explaining a story before being cut off by the one and only, Ali D.

"Emily can I talk to you for a moment?" Alison sternly says. It seemed more like an order than a question.

Although Emily had stuck up for Mona, she was still very intimidated by the blonde so she excuses herself and follows Alison to wherever, which happened to be the girls bathroom.

"Why are you sitting with mona?" Alison asks, not as harsh but not nicely either.

"Because she didn't have anyone to sit with, I was being polite" Emily says bluntly but still shy.

Alison just sighs and walks closer to Emily.

"I'm sorry, it's just the girls and I miss you." Alison says flirtatiously and puts her hand on Emilys arm. Emily swallows thickly. "Maybe you can come over after school? Some Netflix and fun?"

"I-I can't I have plans" Emily replies, still unable to move from the blondes touch.

Alison frowns.

"What are you doing?"

"Meeting Someone at the brew, maybe a new friend?" Emily says truthfully. Maybe they will be real friends. Maybe even best friends. But Emily doesn't want to get her hopes up.

"Sounds like fun. Maybe we can hang another time? Friday?" Alison says and looks at the brunette in the eyes. Brown and blue clashing together.

"Yeah sure sounds great" Emily says nervously and smiles.

"Great, see you then" Alison says and removes her hand from Emilys arm and walks out of the bathroom, but winks at Emily before her grand exit.

Emily shakes her head clear and walks back out and finishes eating with Mona and the rest of her non eventful day at school.


Emily now sits in the brew, checking her phone once in a while for the time. 3:07pm. Emily is tapping her foot on the ground as she is very nervous. She heard the door open and looks up. Revealing a dark haired girl with green eyes and pale, fair skin. Stunning.

Emily knew what to look for because Melissa had sent her a description of the girl and she distinctly remembers "when you see her with her green eyes, you'll know. Trust me." And oh she did know.

"Hi I'm Emily you're Lauren right?" Emily says and sticks her hand out.

"Yes I am, nice to meet you, my aunt was so excited about us hanging out." She says, taking Emilys hand and shaking it before sitting back down with Emily.

"So, what school do you go to?" Emily asked the girl.

"I go to ravens wood, you?"

"Rosewood, just started going there anyway. How about sports?"

"Soft ball, how bout you?" The green eyed girl asks.

"I'm gonna try out for the swimming team tomorrow" Emily says and smiles thinking about it.

"OOOO good luck" Lauren says and smiles at her.

"What can I get you ladies?" A waiter appears and they order their drinks.

"So what's your favourite tv show?" Lauren asks.

"Probably friends. I mean, I've seen all the episodes but it never gets old." Emily says and Lauren's face lights up.

"Me too!"

Just then two blonde girls walk in.


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