Chapter 1 - Syndicate

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"Like this?" A little boy with bright orange hair and wearing a fishing hat and vest asked.

"Huh? Oh no. Here. Let me show you." Wirt said looking over at the boy and helping him refit a worm on his fishing hook. Another boy sat in front of Wirt on the canoe.

"Dad. Why are we even doing this?" The second boy asked. He had a very light brown hue to his hair and was wearing only a fishing vest along with khaki shorts and a grey t-shirt.

"Ah um. Well." Wirt turned back to him. "To be completely honest. It's because your mother made me do it."

"So you're saying Mom made you take us out to fish and made us go out with you?" He asked.

"Y-yes. But do you ever see me saying no to Mom?" Wirt said.

"Heck no. But....then again we don't either." The younger son with orange hair said.

"Exactly. So let's just try and enjoy this as much as we can." Their father said with a smile.

"Does that mean you have no idea what you're doing?" The older son asked folding his arms.

Wirt just looked at him in silence as a light blush creeped across his face. "Let's just call it a day." Right as he said that, they canoe bumped from the younger boy snagging onto something big and nearly tipped over as Wirt fell out the side.

"Good times." He said to himself looking at a picture on his desk of them fishing taken by Beatrice from the shore.

"Sir. There's a man here to see you. Apparently he has full access and demands to meet." A young agent said peeking his head in the door to the office.

Wirt looked up at him and sighed. "Send him in. He sounds like real business." He said sarcastically.

The agent nodded and walked out. A few minutes later, a man dressed in a black, blank uniform and with a buzzcut of black hair and a goatee stepped in.

He didn't say a word as he sat down in the chair facing Wirt's desk. "Good afternoon, sir. I don't mean to sound rude but.....who are you? And what is it you want?" Wirt asked reluctantly.

"Director Rogers. My name is Kain. And I come from a top-secret syndicate of the PIAA devoted to the....actual apprehension of paranormal entities. order of the PIAA itself along with my syndicate. You have been charged with treason." He said with a stern yet eerily calm tone.

Wirt's eyes widened. "That can't be. I'm the director of the PIAA. I never committed a crime against it."

"Yes you have. You haven't let a single paranormal entity receive justice until after it's killed people. And you befriended a few. Honestly make me sick." Kain said leaning forward in his chair.

Standing in the doorway was a bunch of men dressed in white armor covering themselves from head to toe. In their hands aimed at Wirt were semi-automatic rifles.

Wirt had no choice. He stood up slowly from his chair and with his hands up, walked to the door with the guards. Suddenly gunshots flew past him and right as he heard the soldiers behind him fall, he sprinted toward the elevator.

A few agents hiding behind several decorative plants in the hall joined him with pistols in their hands. They all ran to the elevator just as Kain ran from the director's office and opened fire with a white pistol in his hand. A young agent beside Wirt suddenly had a red hole in their chest and it bled down his torso. The elevator door closed.

The agent fell and Wirt caught him. They slowly got to the ground. "Anyone in here a medic?" He asked frantically looking at the other horrified agents.

"We'll do what we can, sir." A young tan-skinned agent said kneeling down beside Wirt and the mortally wounded man.

"Stay with me, agent." Wirt said. As he held the young man in place, the tan-skinned agent looked over at him.

"You'll be ok, Brent. Just focus on us." He instructed calmly.

"I-I'm s-sorry, sir. W-we tried to t-tell you." The agent said turning over to face Wirt. "T-they wouldn't let us close."

"You did everything you could, Agent Brent." Wirt said biting back a tear.

"T-these guys....t-they don't believe in t-this world.....t-they want to change it.....Don't let them.....Don't...." His eyes grew dark and a final breath escaped his lips as the elevator dinged and the doors opened to the ground floor.

Wirt stood up as the tan-skinned agent wept silently, picking up the fallen man. The group hurried out and to the doors. They could hear footsteps and up above, Kain giving someone orders to find them.

They ran to the doors and burst through. The facility went code red as lights flashed and sirens wailed. Outside, a helicopter was parked illegally on the street. "Get in!" A familiar voice ordered from the pilot's seat.

The group ran in and the agent carrying his friend held his body in his arms the whole time as the helicopter soon flew off. Wirt looked back to see soldiers bursting from the doors and opening fire on their aerial vehicle.

After a while, they were away from the city. The pilot spoke up. "If this wasn't the most dramatic and intense situation I've ever been in, I'd give you a huge brotherly hug, Wirt."

Wirt ripped his head to the pilot who turned around briefly to reveal himself. His smile died down as he saw Wirt's left shoulder. "Have you always had that bullet hole there?"

Wirt looked down at it and all the pain finally came to him, knocking him unconscious in front of his last loyal agents.

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