Chapter 2 - Trust

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Wirt opened his eyes to find himself laying face-up on a lengthy, wooden table. His vision cleared more to reveal Dipper, Zak, Tyrone, Mermando, and Soos standing over the table while Pacifica was stitching a wound in his shoulder to his side. They soon noticed he was awake.

"You've got some explaining to do, Wirt." Dipper said with his arms folded. He then turned around with something in his hand and pushed a button on it. The television in the living room angled itself to face the kitchen so they could watch. Dipper pushed another button and it rewinded back to a broadcast.

Wirt looked at it in fear. He knew what it it was before he saw it. Kain was sitting at Wirt's desk with a camera facing him head on. "I will make this brief but informative." He began. His voice seemed even more evil through the broadcast than in person.

"I represent a syndicate of the Paranormal Investigation and Apprehension Agency. In recent years, the agency has neglected to perform its own duties on belief that all paranormal creatures and anomalies do not intentionally harm society. And now that the director has evaded capture for treason on radicalizing those said beliefs, he and anyone else against this will suffer dearly." Kain said calmly looking directly at the camera and as still as a statue.

"He thought we could make peace with the supernatural. Make friends. Love. Families. With this:" And he turned to the side to reveal clips of Bill Cipher causing his Weirdmageddon back in 2012, the three demon brothers leading the attack in St. Louis, Cryptis-turned-Cluster attacking Seattle with robots, various attacks done by different monsters, and finally Tad Strange and his army of shadows from last year.

Wirt looked at the clips and gulped. "Now that I really have your attention. I'm going to release this new international law. Any and all supernatural, paranormal, or just weird anomalies, creatures, or people must report to the Paranormal Apprehension and Containment Organization headquarters in Seattle for your evaluation. Anyone...or anything that doesn't comply with the new order will be forcefully detained and dealt with."

Dipper turned the television off and turned to Wirt who was hyperventilating. "That wasn't my order. That wasn't mine!" Wirt yelled as Soos and Zak held him down against the kitchen table to the Mystery Shack.

"I know, Wirt. I believe you. But no one else does." Dipper said standing before him with his arms folded. "This act....will destroy the frail bond between society and the supernatural."

"Kain said Wirt betrayed the PIAA." Ty added.

"Right but that doesn't mean anyone not trying to kill you will trust you, Wirt." He said.

Pacifica finished stitching Wirt's shoulder and moved back. "W-where's my family? Where are my agents?!"

"They're locked up in the cage in the basement until we can trust them too. As for your family....I don't know." Dipper answered.

"This is insane. I didn't ask for this. I didn't know this was going to happen. It just....did. Now please just let us all go so I can find my family and we can get away from the PIAA." He said as calmly as he could muster.

Dipper looked at the others. Ty made eye contact with him with sympathetic eyes. "Dipper. We should let them go. They're not the enemy here."

Zak and Soos let go of him before Dipper could say anything. Wirt shot up and winced at his stitched up wound. Dipper rolled his eyes and helped him down from the table. Grunkle Stan and Great Aunt Jane were standing in the doorway with Pacifica and watched.

"Thank you. But I need to go now. Give me the keys to that cage and me and my agents will be on our way." Wirt said.

"Follow me." Dipper instructed as he began walking out of the kitchen and to a door in the gift shop behind the vending machine. Wirt did as he was told while Zak, Ty, Mermando, and Soos stayed back to talk to Stan and Jane.

"Sir! What's going on?" A young female agent asked gripping the bars in front of her.

"Wirt! Brother! What the heck is going on?" Greg asked next to the agent.

"It's ok everyone. We're leaving. We're going to get everything we care about most and stay away from the PIAA." Wirt said.

Dipper shook his head. "How is that going to work? You can't spend the rest of your lives hiding from something that 'sees all'."

Wirt looked at Dipper as he opened the cage. "We can't fight them either."

"Not without our help." Dipper smirked.

"Say what?" Wirt looked at him questioningly and followed him and the others up the stairs where the Pines family and friends were all waiting in the living room dressed in all kinds of armor and weapons.

"If they mess with the supernatural, they mess with us." Dipper said proudly. "You can join if you want to."

Wirt looked around at them all. Even the kids: Violet, Kai, Markus, David, Samaera, Mavis, and Alex were suited up. At first he seemed happy of this brave, small army but then he said, "We are going to die."

"That's the spirit!" Mabel yelled holding her lucky grappling hook in the air.

The agents all standing behind Wirt with Greg looked at him with confident smiles. "Alright fine. But we'll need a plan."

"Way ahead of you." Dipper pointed.

As they moved the party back to the kitchen to discuss the said plan, the kids walked outside out of boredom. Kai felt very uneasy about the new law put out by the PIAA. Markus felt the same. But that's where it ended.

"Guys. What if that guy has a point? I mean I know not all supernatural beings are evil, but the few that are have....killed lots of innocent people, human and paranormals." Markus said.

"Markus. Nothing Kain has said makes any sense. There are no good paranormals or bad paranormals. Just those who choose different paths." Kai said looking over at him.

"Guys, let's just remember we're all doing this together. We're a team." Violet pitched in. The triplets agreed with "yeah" and Samaera simply nodded.

"We have to realize the threat we're going against. This man kills innocent paranormals believing they are bad." Kai snapped.

"Hold it right there!" Markus stepped forward. "What about Bill Cipher? Cryptis? 8-Ball? Pyronica? Atbash? Tad Strange?! You know for a fact that there are bad paranormals. You're saying it was his path to take to kill your dad?!"

Kai shoved him back. "Don't you ever bring up my dad again."

"Guys please." Violet stepped in between them both.

"Kain has the right idea, but he's doing it all wrong." Markus added.

"He's a murderer. Don't you get it? He's killing all paranormals to find those extremely rare evil ones. Yes I believe some are evil." Kai barked.

Markus narrowed his eyes. "Those few that are evil are the most powerful ones. They've killed too many innocent-"

"Humans?" Kai interrupted. "Humans and innocent don't go together."

"Kai?" A soft voice asked.

He turned around slowly to see Candy looking horrified at him. "You don't mean that....Do you?"

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