Chapter 3 - Negotiating

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"It's bigger than we thought." Dipper told everyone waiting outside the shack in the cool autumn weather. He raised a small walkie talkie to his mouth. "Call in everyone. We've got some work to do."

Everyone went to their separate homes and suited up in their powerful armor. Mabel grabbed her grappling hook, Ty had his fists light up in the gauntlets, Rory had her specially designed suit to handle the heat of her hair and hands. Two spaces in her back for her wings to appear out of. Wendy had a button on a handle she had and an energy axe blade appeared in green colors, and Zak grew into Lunuus in his stretchy body glove with spaces for his spikes and tail to stretch out of.

Markus, Kai, Violet, Samaera, and the triplets all got ready in their separate homes still very aware of the fight Markus and Kai had.

Soon, everyone met in the center of town. Candy looked out her window at Kai. She refused to leave the house once she heard what he said. They avoided each other since and when they couldn't, there was only awkward silence.

"Ok. Once we get there, me, Wirt, and anyone else who's good at communication skills and peace talks will go inside and try to negotiate peace again with the PIAA and the paranormal community." Dipper said.

"What if that doesn't work?" Mabel asked.

"That's where all of you come in." He pointed. "I'll dismiss myself to disable the security system while Wirt stalls. Then when I give the signal, you guys come in over the east wall to the courtyard and make your way inside. After a few fights, we'll have that jerk who stole Wirt's position surrounded."

"Dipper. This plan is so vague. It has so many flaws. How are they getting over the wall? And the courtyard most likely will be full of armed guards. And do you even know where the security system is?" Wirt corrected.

"Do you even know what motivation is?!" Dipper snapped at him.

"Oh. Carry on." Wirt backed away from the circle.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Any questions? And any questions I can't answer, Wirt'll tell me later."

Wirt looked at him and planted his palm against his face.

"Ready?" Dipper asked. They all nodded and followed Mabel who put her fist in the circle. Wirt watched as everyone in the group added their fists to the circle. Kai and Markus refused to, however.

"Break!" They all shouted throwing their hands in the air from the center.

They all climbed into Stan's RV and took off to the PIAA headquarters in Seattle with Dipper at the wheel. Wirt sat in the passenger's seat and guided him. He seemed to know every way of getting to the headquarters from anywhere.

As they drove, Wirt couldn't help but look around at all the people around him. He once noticed how close they all were from battling Tad Strange. They are weren't related....or even the same species. But they were a family. And this wasn't even all of them.

He thought of his own family. Where could they be. If they're okay.


The space needle of Seattle poked through the sky in the distance as they approached the city. Deeper in the cluster of skyscrapers stood a familiar tower. But now its friendly logo was replaced with a sharp edged black buzzsaw logo that covered nearly the entire top of the building.

The city streets seemed deserted as the RV drove through toward the headquarters. With technique of over twenty years of driving, Dipper twisted the vehicle to its side in an almost perfect parallel parking between two now-damaged cars.

Wirt climbed out and rejoined Dipper walking around from the driver's seat. They together walked in through the front doors and disappeared in the front glass panels.

Markus went before the group outside and to the thick wall next to the building giving it a large courtyard. He climbed up using his suit and peeked over. All he saw was row after row of armed, masked soldiers in grey armor. Their jagged helmets covered their faces.

"Markus! Get away from there!" Wendy whispered over to him.

Markus reluctantly got down from the wall and walked back over to them.

Meanwhile, as soon as Dipper and Wirt entered the building, they were confronted by a few guards dressed the same as the soldiers in the courtyard. "We need to speak to Kain!" Dipper spoke out.

"Search them." An officer commanded. Two of the guards stepped forward with guns drawn and probed around the two firmly.

"They're clean." One of the two officers said.

"Good. Scan them." The head officer said. He seemed to be the head since he was wearing a different color strap on his arm than the others.

The two officers stepped forward again and held up strange devices resembling metal detectors up to Dipper and Wirt's faces. They buzzed and clicked green. "Both are completely human, sir." The second officer addressed his commanding officer.

"Why are you two here?" The head asked.

"We need to talk to Kain like I said. Maybe calm things down a bit between paranormals and humans." Dipper said. The soldiers all let out a slight chuckle. A few simply scoffed.

"You want to see him? Go ahead. You won't get far." A soldier exhaled.

The two men sighed in relief as they made their way up to the director's office. Wirt knocked on the door.

Kain himself answered with a forced smile. "Mr. Pines. Mr. Rogers. Come in."

"Tell me. Why have both of you come? A fugitive...and a supporter of paranormals." He asked seating himself behind his desk. Wirt and Dipper remained standing.

"Look. We just want to make things right. Why are you so hateful toward paranormals that you won't even give them a chance before you just lock them all up?" Dipper asked.

Kain forced the smile again before standing up and staring out the window next to his chair. "They never gave me a chance. Why should I give those killers such a freedom? This is the Paranormal Investigation and Apprehension Agency! We don't just let paranormals go free! That's why Rogers was thrown out and why I'm here. To make things right."

"Well it's not right. I'm sorry about whatever happened to you, but that was just a few paranormals. We're talking about all of them." Dipper said.

"According to past research and census, approximately forty percent of all paranormals in existence are classified as hostile and dangerous." Kain stated.

"So you lock up every paranormal? All one hundred percent?" Wirt asked.

"None of them truly are innocent!" Kain slammed his fist on the desk. He bit back something, turning his head so they couldn't see. "The creatures that attacked the town of Gravity Falls thrice, St. Louis once, Seattle, Portland. Do you honestly think there are even a few who deserve freedom to walk around with humans they could easily kill in one move?"

Dipper stood his ground. "Yes. My best friend was one. My siblings married them. My friend married one. My nieces and nephews are half. They are all innocent."

"Let us see the records and prove you wrong." Kain said. He turned on a screen behind his desk and tapped in on a pad familiar names.

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