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Zayn's P.O.V

This Morning I woke up with a huge smile on my face. The plan that was floating in my head, I got dress and Went downstairs for a quick breakfast. I called Louis to tell him to mean up with me. When I arrived at school I got the same heart eyes from every slut in school.  

"Hey Zayn What's Up?"

"The Usual.. Lets Go to Horan Before he gets mad or thinks we are skipping."

Louis Nodded and followed. When I entered I sat In the back of the class as usual. Mr. Horan Looked at me With like a rude look.

"Okay Class, this is your Homeroom which means I don't hand out any work.  So your free To Do whatever as long it doesn't cause trouble." I looked at Him. His eyelashes softly brushed against his skin. His lips plum and pink. His blue eyes Burning my Golden. 

I Didn't have anything so why not annoy the teacher. I kept my eyes on his. He had slightly big muscles. He looked up and Look down but, when he saw I was staring at him He looked back up quickly. His face burned red as a smirk appeared on my Face.

"Is There a problem Mr. Malik?"

"No, just Looking at cha' Your so Beautiful." 

He shook his head and Looked away. I was getting confused looks from People but I Ignored.

It was Time for 1st period, which was Mathematics. I hated math. I was so stupid..I didnt get any of it. 






It surely did abuse me. I Sat in the back of the Class.

"Zayn Do you know the answer?"

"I never Do, You don't see me go to the board so why do you call on me. You know I don't understand this shit."

She shook her head and pointed toward the door. 

"gladly." i smiled. It was almost Lunch anyway.

"Get this sheet of paper and do it for homework." i sigh and grabbed it from her hand.

The bell rang for lunch as I Walked into the cafeteria to sit with the other 'popular kids'.

I have been getting Hey's from everyone. I nodded and Sat down looking over the math sheet. what the hell is this. 

"Louis I'm going somewhere else to eat." He nodded and continue to talk to Harry.

I leave the school and drive to Starbucks.

While I was arriving guess who I seen Getting out the car.

Mr.Horan and His boyfriend.

I sigh and get out the car anyways.

"welcome to Starbuck, may I take your Order?"

"yeah, Ill have a Caramel Mocha, No whip cream. and Add a doughnut while your at it.Put It under Zee."

I gave her my Money and she gave me A sheet of paper and Change.

'Call Me some time.' 712-834-2334 

 I balled the paper up in front of her and smiled. 

So Far my plan was going well, Get math paper, CHECK.

I got up as My name was called.

As I was walking back I heard Mr. Horan Say "Zayn?" 

but I continued walking. Sooner I was Joined by Horan and the other human.

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