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It was so funny to me how quickly he choose Liam, then said it wasnt a game.

This is why I cant be so Nice and Caring.

I quickly exited horans room slamming the door.

"Whats wrong?" kaiden asked. "Lets just go." i grabbed Kaiden as we ditched school.

"Back to bad Boy, i like it." he purred. I smirked and Headed to my home.

"What happened?" he asked seriously as we entered the house.

"I told Horan I got Tired of being Used.  So i told him To choose. He Picked Liam and guess what his excuse was? He didnt want to risk his Job." i laughed Kaiden shook his head.

"Well he pretty much he's been risking it for a while now." Kaiden said.

"Thats what I said. But i guess people take My kindness for weakness , see look kaiden. Im not really nice but to you and Louis I am im a jerk and teachers HATE me. I scared away our last Literature teacher thats when Horan came."

"You seem like a jerk, but dont waste your time trying to chase horan. "

I nodded as I lay next to kaiden. To be honest the Only reason i kept him around Was because of his Horan features.

He just would stare at me.

It wasnt weird because i enjoyed it.

"Im happy I sat with you Zayn." his name rolled of his tongue. I smiled giving him a kiss to the forehead. He grabbed my chin anf kissed my lips, slowly. It wasn't horans but it wasn't bad, so smooth and slow. I smiled while i was kissing him. I enjoyed it. Kaiden began to pick the speed up this time getting on top of me. Which i didn't stop him. Its been A while since i did this and i was thirsty for it. 

He began moving his hips on my member causing me to harden. It was weird because all I had to do was hug horan to get hard.

Neither of us was wearing a shirt but both of us were in sweats. I reached my hands in his pants grabbing his member watching him moan.


I dont regret anything i did with Kaide, its not like i was using him.

Now that i think about it, i kinda was because of his horan features.

Right now I was in the bed with Him while he was sleeping on my chest. I havent talked to Horan and I kinda didnt want to. Im going back to zayn the asshole.

It was still Wednesday which means i was going to school tomorrow.

I got out of the bed getting in the shower. It was quick and i just put on joggers.

Kai got up like an hour later showering.

"H-hey." he smiled shyly.
"Hey baby." i walked toward him holding him. I cared for because he gave me semi-virginity. As he called it. Which mean he got a dick all the way in him but got scared and told his boyfriend to stop.

"How you feel?" i smirked. "Sore asshole." he hit my chest.

I laughed heading to the couch.

"Im still sleepy." he yawned.
"Sleep. Im not going any where, i do have homework to do."

He nodded curling into the Arm of the couch. I headed to the desk Texting louis Asking him to help.

He just gave the answers.

Horan was happy all day for some reason.

Liam probably gave him dick.

Lol biittccchh yes, he turned a little strict tho, he's doing too much. But copy my homework and Why dont you like my boyfriend anymore?

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