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Zayn's P.O.V

I Walked inside of My flat. I layed on the couch and pulled out my phone.

4 missed Calls...

It was from Louis.

I called him back.

"Hey what's Up?"

"I called you 4 times why didn't you answer."

"I was at Horan's Home doing my homework."

I could feel Louis Smirk.

He laughed and I shook my head and Hung Up.

I was going to go to Starbucks later so I can Write Horan's Story on paper.

I looked I my refrigerator and Got a yogurt out after I ate it I got Into the Shower and Got dress.

All I could think of Is Horan.

His Blue Eyes, His Blonde Hair, His Accent. He's just So fucking cute.

I got into the car And Drove To Starbucks.

I ordered the usual and Found a seat. Once my name was called I Sat down And took out the essay.

"Can I Umm.. Sit Here, It's Kinda full and Isn't anymore seats but this one."

I looked up At the boy.(Picture on Top or Side.) He was cute, shy a little. I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks, Im Kaiden." He smiled.

"Zayn." I watched as he Took out his computer.

"You new here, I haven't seen you around." I asked him.

"Acually I just moved here From America like 2 weeks ago with my brothers, I'm suppose to start a Bradford High on Monday."

"Cool I go there."

"Its Weird here I Guess but Im Liking It So Far... So What Class Are You In?"

"This is My Last."

"Mines too. " He smiled. He was Cute, but Horan looked better.

He Began Typing as I Began Writing. There wasnt that much talk which made it weird.

"Why'd you move here?"

"America Hates me, I've gotten bullied a lot for being Gay, I tried Suicide, but Im here." He said Sadly.

"Where's your parents?"

"I left them abusive Fuckers in America." He smiled proudly.

"Well I Can Tell you This, Im Bi And Bradford High Isnt Like That. Maybe Its A Reason You Stayed...because I Met You, When You start Monday If Anyone Gives you a Problem you Can Tell Me, I have my reputation. But you're cute."

I made him blush. I smirked. We've been talking for a while then Horan and Liam walked in, I tried to ignore them but failed.

"Hey Zayn, Who's this?" Horan Asked Curious.

"Hey, This Is Kaiden He's New From the States, He'll be Attending our school Monday."

I smiled. Horan nodded and Liam Smiled.

"Nice of you to make Friends Zayn." Liam said. I nodded and Began to write. They walked away but didn't sit far.

"That was a teacher." He nodded and began to type.

"You Write Stories."

"Y-yeah." He Stutters. I drink my mocha and watch him.

"W-when You Said I Was Umm C-cute were you joking?" he scratched the back of his head.

Teacher.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin