Chapter 59: Indian Ocean, Madagascar, Meeting another One & Lost Continent

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Belle P.O.V

So the next morning, I woke up next to Jackson. I turn over to my right side and look at Jackson. He was sleeping so peacefully. Just watching him sleep, make me so happy. I can see his chest moving up and down. I smile to myself. Then I saw his head turning over. He open his eyes and look at me. 

"Hi there" he said in his morning voice

I love his morning voice. There is something about a guy morning voice, make him so sexy. 

"Morning" I smile

He turned on to his left side and we were now facing each other. He reach his hand up to my forehead and felt it.

"You're not burning any more" he said

"Yea, I know. I guess the water helps yesterday" I said

"That's good to hear. I got a bit scared yesterday" he said

"Sorry to worried you" I said

"It's okay" he smile

I got closer to him until we were inches away from each other. He wrapped his arm around my hip and got closer to me. 

As we were laying in bed, I heard a beep coming from upstairs. 

"Oh no" I said getting out of bed

'What is it?" he ask

"The sub" I said walking to the door.

I walk up the stairs and to the control. I sat down and took a look at the screen. 

"So what's going on?" Jackson ask

"It seem that we made it to the Indian Ocean" I said

"Really?" he said. "That's great"

"Well, I guess it's time for some exploring" I said getting up from the chair

"Ohh yea" he said

I walk down to my room to brush my teeth and wash my face. When that was done, I put on my morning products. I walk up to the living room and saw Jackson sitting on the couch, shirtless. I just look at him.

"Take a picture, it last longer" he said

I shrug my shoulder, took out my phone and snap a photo of him.

"I was joking" he laugh

"Well, it's a great picture" I smile, walking over and sitting down next to him. 

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pull me closer. I rested my head on his shoulder while watching TV. 

"So what you want for breakfast?" I ask

"Whatever you are having" he smile

"Well, come on" I said getting up. I reach out my hand for him

He took it and we walk into the kitchen. I being to look through the fridge, while Jackson was looking through the cupboards. 

"So what do you want to make for breakfast?" I ask

"I don't know" he said

I was looking through the fridge and grab the eggs. 

"How about eggs?" I ask

"Sound good" he said grabbing some bread

"Perfect" I said

I grab a pan abd put it on the stove. I turn on the gas and pour a bit of oil in the pan. I let that heat up for about a minutes before cracking the eggs into the pan. I let cook for a minutes and then I grab a spatula and being to scramble the eggs. Jackson on the other hand was putting the toasts in the toasters. 

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