Storms and sleepovers

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Picture of Maddie above.

Secret POV:

I've been following Teller ever since he left the Sons. Even killed his junkie whore of a wife, but it didn't phase him when that bitch Gemma told him. I need to hit him where it hurts, make him feel the pain I did when he took my VP. 

He'd been with this hot chick all day. I smirked to myself. I blended well into the shadows of the fairground, he didn't even realise. I'm a tiger, and he's my prey.


Grace's POV:

I was frozen for a second before my body finally responded. I deepened the kiss, pulling him more into me. I'd kissed guys before, but none of them ever ignited a fire in my stomach like Jax did. I ran my hands through his hair, tugging on the ends, earning a groan from him. I smiled as his hands started riding up my top.

All of a sudden, I snapped out of whatever dirty thoughts I was thinking. What the hell was I doing? 

''Stop,'' I breathed against his lips. Jax pulled back in confusion. ''I'm-I'm sorry, I'm not ready..'' I blushed looking at the floor. How was I supposed to tell him I'm a virgin?

''Jax, I-I'm-'' 

''Not ready, I get that,'' He interrupted me, giving me a cheeky grin. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. I sneaked a glance out the corner of my eye and saw Jax looking at me with a kind smile. ''How bout another beer?'' He winked at me. 

I shook my head at him and chuckled. As I stood up I felt a slap on my ass, making me turn round in shock. He was looking up at me with an innocent face. I shot him a glare and stomped off, hearing his laughter behind me. I opened the fridge and grabbed two beers.

A sudden clap of thunder make me jump and drop the beers. Jax came running in straight away. ''Are you okay?! What the fuck happened?! Oh my god,'' I couldn't hear him. I could only hear my heart pounding in my ears. I hated storms. My parents were cruelly taken from me due to a car crash caused by a powerful storm. 

Jax saw my face and strided across the kitchen to me. He crushed me to his chest, smoothing my hair down as whimpers were coming from my mouth. 

''Shhhhhhh, are you okay?'' He asked in a soft voice. This was so embarrassing. 

''I-I lo-s-t my.. my pa-rents in a.. a car.. car crash be-cause of a.. a storm,'' I managed to stutter out. Sobs were taking over my whole body now, causing me to hiccup as well. Jax just held me tighter.

''I'm not leaving you tonight,'' He said sternly. Even though I didn't know him that well, I was happy for the comfort, so I just nodded.

 Normally, Maddie would come over if there was a storm. I think this just as my phone starts ringing in my back pocket. Jax takes it out for me. ''Maddie,'' He mouths. I nod, and let him answer it while I try to control my breathing.

''Hey. It's Jax. Yeah I'm at her place with her now. She's shaken up. I'm staying with her. That'd be great. Thank you Maddie. Speak to you soon,'' He smiled at me and hung up the phone. ''She's covering your shift for you tomorrow,'' I nodded and looked at him. He walked back into the living area and turned the radio on to drown out the noise of the storm.

The soft tune of Edwin Mccain's 'I'll Be' echoed through the speakers as Jax held out his hand to me. ''Dance with me,'' He grinned at me. I laughed out loud, but took his hand as he pulled me to him. I slid my arms around his neck as his hands rested on my waist. We weren't even dancing, we were just swaying to the music.

''And I'll be,

your crying shoulder,

I'll be, loves suicide,

And I'll be, better when I'm older,

I'll be, the greatest fan of your life..''

As the chorus faded off. Jax cupped my cheek as he gently pressed his lips to mine once again.


I woke up to the sun streaming through the curtains. I looked around trying to familiarize myself with my surroundings. I was in my bedroom. I felt pressure on my waist, and looked down to see a tattooed arm. I smiled to myself and blushed when I realised Jax had stayed like he said he would.

He must have brought me to bed last night after I fell asleep on him. I looked down and saw I was wearing his top. I rolled over and squeaked when he was topless, still snoring away. I leaped out of bed and ran into the bathroom, making sure to shut the door quietly. I turned the shower to cold, hoping it would cool me down after that encounter.

It's the first time I'd slept in the same bed as a guy. Shaking off the dirty thoughts, I jumped into the shower, quickly washing my hair and body. I wrapped the towel securely around me, looking around frantically for my clothes. Shit, in my rush to get away from a shirtless Jax, I'd left my clothes.

Creaking the door open quietly, I was relieved to see he wa still snoring. I tiptoed over to my underwear drawer, silently praying he wouldn't wake up. I grabbed my matching lace pair, quickly slipping them on under my towel. 

''Good morning, gorgeous,'' I froze. His morning voice was so sexy. So raspy and deep. I slowly turned around and gasped to see him standing a couple of metres from me. He put his arms out, inviting me for a hug. On instinct, because I was still wet from my shower, I threw my arms up at him, dropping my towel.

He froze, his mouth dropped as his eyes wandered my body. Oh god, couldn't someone just shoot me right now?! Letting out a squeak, I grabbed my pyjamas and darted into the bathroom, slamming the door and feeling very flustered.

Quickly changing into my clothes, which consisted of grey pyjama shorts and a pink vest top, I slowly peeked around the door, finding Jax in the exact same position I left him. Eyes and mouth still wide open. I suddenly felt very self conscious about the fact he had just seen me in my underwear. I wasn't skinny, I had curves and stretch marks, and hated them.

Jax slowly walked up to me, cupping my cheek softly. ''You're absolutely stunning, Grace,'' He pressed his lips to mine once again, but pulled away all too soon. ''I'm gonna head home to shower and change, I'll be back,'' Placing a kiss to my forehead, he was gone.


''So you stopped the heavy make out session?!'' Maddie screeched down the phone. I had rung her immediately after Jax left, filling her in on last nights events.

''Yes, I'm not ready Mads,'' I sighed. I then told her about the shower incident where he seen me in my underwear. 

''Shut up!! Please tell me you had cute underwear on!!'' She screamed down my ear. I had to move the phone away before she deafened me.

''Yes, the lacy ones.'' 

''Ooh sexy,''

 ''Mads, shut up,''

 ''You want the dick though,''

''MADELYN!'' I shouted. 

''Rude,'' She remarked. Just then, there was a knock at my door. 

''Mads I've gotta go I think Jax is back,'' I whispered to her. 

''BANG HIM!'' She shouted as I hung up, causing me to blush for some reason. I swung the door open to see Jax. He was wearing a leather jacket and light washed jeans, causing me to drool a little bit. It wasn't just him making me drool though. In one hand, he held two pizzas, and in the other he had a bag of what looked like chocolate and films.

''Film day?'' He smirked. I smiled, inviting him in. What a day I was in for.

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