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Grace's POV:

I don't even know what I was feeling anymore. My mind was racing at speeds that amazed me. I didn't want to push Jax away for having a past, but the jealousy got the better of me. The fact that he slept with her recently caused me to question his feelings altogether.

So here I am, stood against Gemma's car, while Jax was in the hospital, needing me, while I was here questioning everything. Was he even awake? I didn't know, but I didn't think I was very welcome to go and find out, not after hitting a doctor. Not like she didn't deserve it though.

''Baby, what happened in there?'' Gemma approached me calmly, and cautiously, as if I'd rip her head off if she got too close. I would never do that to her, Tara maybe, but never Gemma.

''You knew. You knew she was asked to be his Old Lady, and you didn't want it! That's why you pushed me to be his Old Lady!'' I shouted at her, I didn't mean to sound harsh, but I was on a red rampage, and I sympathised with anyone who got in my way. Gemma flinched at my tone, and I actually felt the guilt flash across my face for a split second, but only a second.

''I pushed for you because I can see in his eyes how he feels,'' She hung her head low, this was the most vulnerable I'd ever seen Gemma. I calmed down ever so slightly, the anger fading away, being replaced with an emotion I'd never felt before, I couldn't tell exactly what it was.

I ignored Gemma, walking past her whilst brushing my shoulder slightly against hers. It didn't seem as if she was leaving anytime soon, so I'd walk myself home, wherever home was. I didn't want to go back to the clubhouse, but I didn't feel safe going back to my apartment. I walked aimlessly down the road of the hospital, not knowing where I was heading.

I came across a little park, and decided to sit there for a while, just to clear my head a little bit before I faced Jax, or any of the Sons for that matter. Gemma especially, the guilt was creeping in viciously.

I trudged over the dry grass, silently thanking the Charming weather for not raining. I headed straight for the swing. The park was empty, nobody around in sight, so I took the time to drown in my own thoughts, plunging into them like the titanic.

Part of me wanted to think Jax only asked Tara because he was lonely, and wanted someone to love him and stand by his side through everything, but the other part of me completely pushes that thought out of my mind and replaces it with Tara's poisoning words.

Why did she say no? Was it something he did? Did he treat her like shit? Did he fuck someone else? I learn from personal experiences that the last option stung like a bee.

I didn't have long to ponder on my thoughts, it happened oh so quickly. The van screeched along the road, before pummelling over the dry grass, causing it to crunch underneath the thick tyres.

The men wore black masks over their faces, so I couldn't tell who they were. They threw something over my head, blocking out my vision, before pushing me into the van. At one point, one of them roughly placed a hand over my mouth to muffle my cry for help before he grumbled a raspy 'shut up'. I didn't recognise the voice either.

They obviously had enough of me struggling, because that's when I felt the blunt force strike me in the back of my head, plunging me into darkness.


Jax's POV:

All I could feel was the pounding in my head. I couldn't even feel my body, it was like I was paralysed.

With every ounce of strength in me, I forced my eyes to open, wincing as the bright light above me hit them. I observed my surroundings, I was in hospital. The tubes coming from my arms and the oxygen placed in my nose confirmed my thoughts.

Looking over to the corner of the room, Opie was passed out. Where's Grace?

"Ope.." My voice was hoarse, husky, and it scratched my throat to talk. At the sound of my voice, Opie's head snapped up, eyes widening as he took in my appearance. He was at my side in an instant.

"Oh thank god!" He cried into me. What happened? "I'm going to get the nurse, stay here!" Yeah, like I can go anywhere, Ope.

He rushed from the room, only to return moments later with a beaten up Tara. What?

"Jax, you're awake!" The relieved tone in my voice put me on edge. Seriously, where the hell is Grace? "How do you feel?" She asked soothingly. She offered me a styrofoam cup that contained a clear liquid. Water. I threw it back with a slight groan, downing the beverage in seconds.

"What happened to you?" I asked after clearing my throat. My voice sounded normal and my throat didn't hurt anymore. Her face turned cold at my question.

"Ask your pshyco Old Lady. Now, it says here your recent scans have showed the swelling on the brain has decreased rapidly. No sign of permanent damage, you can go home soon." She smiled, I just stared at her in shock. I didn't hear anything she said after the first sentence. Grace did that? Where was she? Is she okay?

"Why? What did you tell her?" My jaw clenched as I felt myself beginning to boil, anger coursing through me. The heart monitor started to increase rapidly. "WHAT DID YOU TELL HER?!"

"Nothing. Just the truth, how you wanted me to be your Old Lady," The smirk on her face couldn't get bigger if she tried. Fuck! I asked her to piss Gemma off, after finding out her and Clay killed John Teller. I didn't love Tara, sure I have some feelings, she's a good fuck. But I don't love her. But she's poisoned Grace with her twisted words!

I studied the damage on her face, feeling a sense of pride wash over me at how Grace messed her up. In a way it worries me, Grace doesn't like confrontation, and she definitely isn't violent. Am I changing her already?

"OPIE!" Gemma burst into my room, out of breath, eyes wide with panic and fear. When she saw me awake, the tears that were threatening to fall ran down her cheeks.

"Oh baby! It's Grace!" She cried, rushing over to me. The other members had started crowding at the door, waiting to hear what had gotten Gemma so upset. My head snapped to her at the mention of Grace, I thought the heart monitor was going into overdrive the way it went mental.

"Someone's taken her! She walked off from me so I followed her, I lost her but found her in a park. The van pulled up, I tried to run to her but I didn't get there in time. Her cries, oh my god," She said in one breath, placing a hand on her chest as her voice started to crack at the end.

I tried to jump from my bed, only to be held down my Opie. "Jax, you can't! We'll find her, brother. We'll find her," He looked me straight in the eyes, but I could see right through them. I could see the fear, the horror, the worry. Heck, I'd hate to know what my eyes look like.

I couldn't process the information properly. I heard a strangled cry leave my lips as I thought of my Grace being taken. I needed to get out of here to find her.

"Jax if you leave it could be fatal," Tara warned, I didn't give a shit to be honest, I didn't even know why she was still in the room, probably loving the fact Grace had been taken.

"We'll find her, Jax," And with that promise, Opie left the room, followed by Gemma and the Sons. Me and Tara remained. She tried holding my hand in a comforting way, but I just shoved her off. It was Grace's hand I wanted, not hers.

It was Grace I needed, not her.

Living In The Gangsters Paradise (Jax Teller/Sons Of Anarchy)Where stories live. Discover now