Proper reunions

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Jax's POV:

I stared at the same grey wall in my cell for hours on end. All I could hear is Grace's voice saying my name. My mom hugging her. She remembered me. My Grace remembers me!

Without her I was going insane, I vaguely remember Clay making a snide remark about Grace and then the next minute my fists were in his face, pounding his skull over and over.

One of the crow eaters in the bar must of called the police on me, because the next thing I knew, paramedics were performing CPR on Clay and I was being restrained by a cop.

Anger was still searing through me, and using all my strength, I managed to push my way out of their hold, bolting for my bike while being followed. I rushed to the person I needed to see the most.

And that's when she said my name. I punched the bed below me in frustration. Why was I so stupid? She remembers me and now she's going to lose me. I'm going to jail.

"Jax, your bails been posted," My head bolted up at the sound of Unsers voice. Who bailed me out?

I was led out of the cell and handed back my belongings before I was taken out of the station.

Nero was leaning against his jeep in front of the station.

"Nero, did you bail me out?" I asked confused. Why would he bail me out?

"Well Jax my niece has been asking for you non stop, so thank her, not me," He replied while opening the door of the truck, gesturing me to get in. I hesitantly climbed in, waiting for Nero to join me.

"Where we goin'?"

"I'm taking you to my niece," And with that we were off.


Grace's POV:

I stare at Gemma's face bewildered. I lost my memory? I remember being captured, but I don't remember anything after that.

The memory of Jax being taken away in handcuffs kept haunting my memory. I hated the sight, I missed him. When I was captured I was so intent on walking away from him, but when I saw the emotion in his face when I said his name made me question my thoughts.

I eagerly awaited for news on Jax, nobody had heard from him and I was asking uncle Nero and Gemma about him 24/7.

Just then, Tara entered the room, giving me an icy look.

"So I heard you say Jax's name, you remember everything now?" She asked in an annoyed tone. Did I really not remember Jax?

"Yeah I remember," I reply through gritted teeth. "Have you heard from Jax?"

At that moment, the man of the hour entered the room himself. He stopped, taking in the scene before him, before rushing over to me. He grabbed hold of me in his arms and I melted into him.

"Grace I'm so sorry," he cried into my shoulder. I saw Tara glaring at us while Gemma was smiling behind her.

Finally he pulled away, taking the chair next to me.

"So," Tara started with anger in her voice. "Grace your test results are back and you're clear to go, everything's fine. We're starting your discharge papers," and with that she stormed out the room. I couldn't help but smile, thinking about how Jax completely bypassed her and come straight for me.

"I missed you Jax," I reached my hand up, taking his face in my hand, he leaned into it, as if it was his own personal heaven.

"You ready to go home, baby?" Gemma asked from across the room, I nodded my head slowly, still feeling a dull throb. I was excited to go home, but something tells me I'm going to the clubhouse instead.

Gemma helped me dress while Jax sorted my papers out, and finally I was walking out of the hospital, sending Tara a slight smirk as Jax placed his arm around my waist.

The fresh air felt amazing on my face, and my smile widened when I saw Maddie and Opie waiting outside in Opie's car. Maddie had a hand protectively over the small bump that had formed while Opie had his arm around her waist.

As soon as she spotted me, Maddie darted for me, throwing her arms around me.

"Let's get you home, Gracie," she whispered in my ear, and it was the best thing I'd heard all day.


Sorry for the short and late chapter! But I decided to finally put a bit of happiness into it, but will it last?

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