Chapter 3

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I turned my head and saw Drew. Drew the guy I had a crush on forever. I didn't know whether to be embarrassed or relieved that he was here. The guy looked back at me and pretended as if he didn't hear Drew. Drew walked fast over to us and shoved the guys shoulder making him loose grip of me and punched him in the face. The guy started to punch Drew but Drew punched him even harder. The guy finally had enough shots to the face and ran away.
"And I better not see you ever again!" Drew shouted in anger. He turned to me and his facial expression changed from anger to concern. He walked over to me and looked me in the eye.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yea" I said even though I really wasn't. I was bruised a little from the guys force and was still in shock about what just happened.
"Where's your parents?"
"My mom is out of town."
"What about your dad?"
"...we aren't really on speaking terms."
"Oh. Well how did you get here?"
"My bike."
"You rode your bike here?"
"Um where exactly to you live?" I told him my address.
"You live that far from here?"
"It's not that far."
"Are you kidding it's about a 45 drive. And that's by car."
"It doesn't feel that long when you go biking." He grabbed my bike.
"What are you doing?"
"Home." He said in a non committal tone.
"With my bike?"
"Yes. And your going with me."
"W-what why?" I asked trying to grab my bike back. He turned to look at me. I noticed a little purplish blue colour around his eye and his head was bleeding a little.
"It's really late and there's a lot of bad people around here like that guy earlier. I don't want you getting hurt so your coming with me." He said getting on my bike.
"Why are you riding my bike? Why can't you get your car?"
"Cause my dad has my car."
"How did you get here then?"
"I walked."
"Relax. My house is a minute away from here. Now hop on." I looked at him weirdly. My bike is a one seater. He motioned me to the basket on my bike. I was about to refuse but I was too tired to do procrastinate. I got onto the basket while he peddled. At first I was worried my weight was gonna make it harder for him to peddle but he was going pretty fast. We got to his house and went in. He got me a bottle of water while I sat on the couch.
"You'll sleep upstairs. Its already made."
"Where are you gonna sleep?"
"In the downstairs bedroom." I felt like I was intruding. Like I shouldn't be here. I said thanks for everything and headed for the door. As I opened it he closed it.
"Where are you going?"
"Look it's your home and I feel like I'm intruding. I'll  be fine I know my way home." I said trying to open the door but he closed the door again.
"No way! You are going to sleep here." Your not intruding at all. In the morning you can go but not tonight. Besides it suppose to be icy on the road tonight." I really appreciated his concern for me.
"Thank you for letting me stay."
"No problem." He said. I went upstairs and got into bed and instantly fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment what you thought. Swifties for life!

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