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2024.A.D ...... when the world was plunged into an apocalyptic state with gigantic waves devouring lands and volcanic flames turning life to ash.....consuming more than 92% of human lives known as The Second coming of the Great Calamity and the only survivors of this ...... a mere 1,038,000 people boarded in 7 vessels, the Arks..... Humanity faced its greatest crisis and as if the Earth we knew was no more and Hell had taken over with nature taking the form of its demons. The internal plate strain that caused the face of earth to take another form and ...... Following this, the axis shift took place, Earth had its orbit altered and its rotation accelerated causing the sense of time and the climate of the planet to drastically change.
For the next 10 years nature would rampage day and night consuming two of the seven arks. But after this phase....... nature had finally calmed and the conditions to settle on land were met. The remaining survivors inhabited what remained of Europe. The calendar dating till 2034.A.D was the final year of A.D and the coming years would date as N.O and thus...... began the first age of New Order.

118 N.O.
Following the years after the second great calamity from the remaining survivors of the Ark. Man started to restore itself and the total population had crossed a few millions, and the survivors then split off as five districts each tasked with a part of the restoration process. Districts 1&2 tasked with restoring the marine life and Districts 3&4 with environments restoration, food production and developing other life forms while the fifth district mainly focused its attention on technological developments and in its progress nature had also restored itself to its former prime state.
Man restored 62% of the species that were wiped out and technology had evolved to a state where it perfectly co-existed with nature.
But a mystery remained....... During the events of the second great calamity when the entire earth was purged by nature just one part remained unaltered -...................the waters of Bermuda triangle, the massive amount of electromagnetic waves released from those waters neutralized any abnormality that occurred within its set radius as if froze the time in that area itself. And with the current technology we were able to analyze the source of it that lied in the depths of those waters...... a remnant of an ancient civilization . Which was most likely damaged and sank during the first great calamity .....This remnant of the first civilization that generated those massive energy waves and fended itself from the second calamity ....... Was like a reminder to all humans that man had been spared from the worst and despite the race almost meeting its end.........
Curiosity found its way into people's heart. They pondered the reasons behind Relic's existence and questioned its mechanism, its source, structure? How did it sustain itself for so many centuries without having its energy exhausted? And the possibilities they could turn into reality if they attain its technology and ......
As an answer to every researcher's question an expedition plan was set.

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