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August 12th, 117 N.O


Yawning as I raise my head with half closed eyes waking up from my short nap. Pushing the book I was sleeping with my hand, shook my head lightly from side to side trying to drive away the drowsy feeling and laid my back against the chair.

Waking up from an unexpected nap, my head still heavy I sorted out my thoughts recalling the actions leading to my present situation. I fell asleep in the middle of class luckily escaping from the sights of the teacher...but I grimaced at this luck that flipped its switch at times completely unnecessary.

My special lessons....guh.

Looking at the watch in hand realizing the time was now past 3:30, groaning as I quickly picked my bag and started moving outside with a fast gait complaining to myself for cozily falling asleep forgetting my schedule.

It was the last day of my special lessons before the final ability tests, realizing this all the drowsiness I had vanished as if it was never there to begin with.

The place of the joint lessons was a bit far, needing me to take the train. I was concerned about not being able to make it in time.

Haa...Nothing I can do. I'll have to go straight to the place.

The time I was supposed to be there wasn't until another 40 minutes but reaching there will still take me much time. My initial plan of getting a change of clothes and then heading there couldn't be done in time.
Sighing I gave up on the idea and opted for just rushing there. I loosened my expression, letting a sigh and slowed my hasty steps. Looking outside, the sky was already beginning to dye with a light orange hue.

At the lockers before the exit as I'm about to pass, I notice a familiar dark blue hair and involuntarily turn lightly to look at her.

She had mid-long hair that passed by her shoulders and her short bangs falling in front of her ash colored eyes lightly covering them. She had a lean figure and fair skin without trace of any tan lines, a classmate of mine.

Misa huh... Recalling her name as I properly recognized her.

She had asked me along with her friends to group up with them some times to which I turned them down on all occasions.

She raised her back after fixing her shoes and our eyes met.

Quickly turning to her side looking a bit troubled. "U-um...", fumbling with her words.

Hmm...? I don't remember triggering any Misa route...and apparently that's not the case, she simply had a shy and reserved personality.

If I remember correctly she didn't have many friends, then why did she stay over at school this late? I pondered but giving up quickly I simply walked past her unconcerned and she-

"G-good luck with your tests"

She said in a quick pace full of nervousness.

Hmm....well it was a class topic before so...

With my back still turned to her I stop my steps nodding as I gave a sidelong glance and responded with a curt "Thanks" before I started walking again.

Not looking back my attention shifted to my just-decided plans.

Heaving a tired sigh regretting my laidback nature and walked out of school.


The militia wasn't a very popular choice among the people. The number that opted for military studies was scarce. It wasn't as well recognized as other groups which had obvious results ranging from the introduction of mobile terminal devices, the holographic projection and VR system, the most recent semi-autonomous A.I system, the high spec transport systems and still under production high level of techs.

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