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I walked out my place and broke into a fast jog heading to the station. The ability tests are in two days and I was slightly looking forward to it.

As a way to ease up the tension building up in my body I decided to tire myself until I reached school so that I can calm my anxiety. I was also a bit late so this was getting two birds with one stone.

As I thought of shortening my path I entered a park on my way and decided to exit through the other side instead of circling it. It was a bit odd to jog with my uniform and at this hour but I shake off the feeling and kept going.

The park was mostly free and only some old people were present either seated or talking with others, peeking a fleeting glance I ran past the water fountain.

Nearing the exit, I jumped over the stone spheres...not noticing someone was walking in from the side. But controlling my motion I narrowly avoided him and he looked at me wide-eyed, apparently noticing me only as I nimbly stopped close in front of him. Understanding what happened he scowled at me.

Even though I was considerate enough to avoid him... sigh.

I directed a nod and bowed lightly in a slightly apologetic gesture, but his expression didn't change.
I turned away my inherit sharp eyes and walked past him without displaying any particular emotion.

...Giving me that sort of look is displeasing.

Having unkempt black hair which wasn't particularly long or short, a sharp gaze which hosted deep blue eyes, exuding an apathetic vibe, I guess it was natural that he took my response to be insincere.

Like that I reached school with a dull mood, wearing my usual sour look.

Entered the classroom and walked to middle row desk next to the window and placed my bag on the desk.

Pulling the chair across I sat supporting my chin in one hand and started gazing out immersed in random thoughts until the teacher came in and slid the door closing it.


The teacher scanned the class for empty seats and entered the names of the absentees in the class registry showing his familiarity in handling the class.

He accessed a device on his desk making a small keyboard like holographic panel appear over his desk, operating it to make a black curtain-like material swiftly run down from the upper edges of the class windows covering it, robbing the room of sunlight. Thin long tubes of blue started to glow from the four upper corners of the classroom covering the classroom in a faint blue luminance.


Objects made of light conjured in front of the blackboard... multi-dimensional holographic images.

A dimensional object...something that is measured in only one dimension or to say is only a point and a one dimensional sequence is a row of these said points that now forms a line. A two dimensional object is made of two one dimensional sequences that now form shapes like a square or rectangles is essentially something that can be measured in two directions and likewise a three dimensional object is constructed with a number of 2D objects.

The holographic images that the teacher projected above his desk were 4D dimensional images...images constructed on 3 dimensional elements like a tesseract. 3 Dimensional images can give good details of its displayed images and in essence 3D and 4D images look the same, but the quality of a 4D dimensional image to a three dimensional is levels apart.

But I and maybe a few might have been disappointed by this.

At home we had a miniature VR device that would envelope the entire room in blue light without needed the room to be too dark and cast many times more realistic images and data. The VR device could generate extremely precise electrical signals that relay the information to the brain. A form of partial hypnosis induced directly into brain but not touching the domains of the consciousness.

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