Chapter-04(Part three) Selection Tests III...

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After taking out the opponent's defense point, a holographic screen appeared with a beep above it displaying the words in red...

[Congratulations! You have won the first match of prelim tests, please proceed your way back and you will start your next test shortly after.]

I start walking back and Chester followed.

I craned my neck to look at him.

"So you and me will be taking care of vanguard?"

"Hmm~ I guess so...Keller and the rest are more suited to defense afterall~"

He answered my tired voice with an easy-going tone.

"Hmm...I see... so are they going for a 2-3 offense to defense or a three segment formation?"

"Hmm....It's 2 to 3"

With a short pause I started...

".... There's something I want you to work with me for..."

"Haha~ you don't need to get so formal with me. If you need something just ask..."


I was no longer looking to the side, my head hung low and my gaze focused forward..... But I could still make out the grin on his face even without looking. My chest felt heavy...

I...couldn't have done that on my own ....

That fact was haunting me and gave me a powerless feeling.

"You're pretty amazing~ you almost took them all down~"

Don't...say it....if you didn't come up I'd have already lost....

"............" I didn't speak my thoughts.

"Haa.....whatever ....I....want to try something so... Help me on that"

"Hehe~ ok, since you're asking so nicely after all."...still grinning he said this.

".....shut up"

Soon...our visions were once again filled with blinding white light, the same as when we started. Everything slowly getting sucked in and swallowed by the light,

A pure white world...every space...every corner anywhere the eyes could look...was all wrapped in white that seemed to extended endlessly without stop.



With the same transition as the holographic panels the bodies of Keller and the rest manifest before us...

This is still within VR; So It didn't surprise me much.

Keller and the rest looked at me and Chester with a stiff expression, apparently being a bit taken aback by our sudden materialization.

The surroundings were still an endless space of white...this was most likely a sort of break before our next match.

With my casual tone tinged with slight sternness, I started...

"Keller how was it on your side..?"

My words brought him back from his thoughts he looked in silence for some time at me before answering...

"Ah...we didn't see anyone else during the match, only a screen appeared above the defense point declaring we won...that's all."

"Is that so...well I don't think we have much time before our next match. So I'll tell you all I know for now..."

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