Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - "bundle of joy , more like bundle of hell "

Kayla pov
Well your probably wondering how I got my self into this situation . Don't worry I'll fill you in on all the details . Let's rewind shall we , it was Monday the first day of my senior year .

Everything was going great my best friend Taylor and I were excited to finish our last year in this hell hole , sorry I meant school . As I expect that day went by quick and later that night I got a text from Taylor talking about some party. At first I was against it , I mean who the hell throws a party on Monday right . But then I started think its my senior year why not what could go wrong .

Further on into that night when I was was clearly wasted , usually I could hold my liquor .  From what I could remember I was in the middle of dancing with Jason parks when  the devil himself aka Alec cut in . Long story short we dance , made out a little and I end up waking up in bed with him the next morning . Really not one of my proudest moments but everyone makes mistakes right . After that everything was fine until my period didn't come . I really didn't put much thought into it  at the time because hey sometimes it comes late but when a week past and still no period I knew something  was up.

I never thought in a million years I would be taking a pregnancy test at the age of 17 , but there  I was peeing on a stick . I took 8 test and all of them with the same result.


I knew  with all my heart that abortion wasn't even a option . I could never bring myself to do that . Adoption might be a good choice but did I really want to give my child away .  The idea of taking care of a child didn't sounds so bad but then again I'm I ready for that . 

After finding  out I was pregnant I told my parents of course and like I said that wasn't too pretty . I told Taylor soon after and to say she was excited was a understatement . The girl acts as if she having the baby but that's Taylor for ya. I knew that sooner or later I will have to tell Alec and I was really dreading it .

It was Tuesday morning and I decide today will be the day I tell Alec I'm pregnant . It been 4 weeks since that night , I really should have told him when I found out but oh well.  I pull on some basic black jeans with a nice white blouse and sandals . I left my hair in it natural curly state because I'm to lazy to do something to it.  I arrive at school pretty early then usually so I just sat in my car . Today could go good or bad depending on the reaction I get from Alec . There was a sharp knock at my window which broke me out of my thoughts .
"Hey ! unlock the door " Taylor said with a goofy grin on her face .

I unlock the door and Taylor quickly got in slamming the door in the process.

" Hey! watch it." I said glaring at her she knows I hated when she does that.

"Sorry I forgot , but anyways I have some great news " she said rubbing her hands together creepily.

"What is it".

"I sign you up for a get to know more about your bundle of joy class ".

"A what". I said looking at her like she grown two heads .

"It a class that educates young mothers on all the need to know things about pregnancy ."

Don't get me wrong I love my best friend but you got to be kidding me . Who just sign people up for classes without there consent .

"Taylor what have you gotten me into." I said with a sigh .

"Don't worry Kay it will be great , I promised ."

"Yea yea" I said with a roll of my eyes , we will see about that .

" Have you told Alec yet ? " she asked  as she typed on her phone .

"No but I plan to tell him today."

"Thats great , come on let's go before we are let to class ." She said getting out the car.

It was lunch time and I still have yet to see Alec , we only had one class together and that was at the end of the day . I hope that he was here today he pretty know for skipping school .
I was currently sitting at the lunch table listening to Taylor talk about how she was couldn't wait to find out the sex of the baby so we could go shopping . Finally Alec appears coming in the lunch with his best friend Eric . Alec and Eric were always together , they have been friends since diapers . Eric was opposite from Alec instead of being the bad boy he was the star player  of the basketball team and was in the top ten of our class . I've only talk to Eric a couple of times but from our encounters he was a pretty nice guy , very attractive to . He was six foot four with caramel color skin and hazel eyes .  Both him and Alec had girls falling at their feet for them . Alec had that smile that could make girls go crazy for . He was just a little  shorter than Eric with brown hair and beautiful  blue eyes . He had tattoos that cover some of his arms . To sum it up he was fine .

I told Taylor that I would be right back and being walking in their direction . Here goes nothing .

So what you guys think :) there's more to come . The guy at the top. is Don Benjamin he is who I chose to play Eric .
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