Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- tu sonrisa

I hated funerals.

Today was the day we said our final goodbyes to Maria. It was hard getting out the bed but when I did I practically crawled to the bathroom. When I took a look at my self in the mirror I winced at my appearance. My eyes where red and swollen from all the crying that I've done. My hair was basically a frizzy mess, all and all I look liked shit. After taking my shower I put on a black dress and black heels to match. I pulled my hair up into a bun  and put on some black shades to cover my swollen eyes.  I mental chanting to myself that I will be okay as I walk down the stairs. Both of my parents stood at the bottom of the stairs with sympathetic looks.

My mother was dress in similar attire as me except for the shades and my father was wearing a black suit. My brother had to go back to school so he couldn't attend.

The ride to the church seem like forever but when we did arrive the parking lot was pack. Parker had a big family and everyone loved Maria. She was the light in this small town. When we got inside the church I spotted Parker in the corner talking to his older brother. Cisco looked a little different from when I last saw him. He stood tall a few inches taller than Parker and was dressed in a all black suit. His hair was up in a man bun and and he grew a beard. Cisco looked like just like his father while Parker looked more like his mother. Parker spotted me too and gave me a signal to come.

"Hey guys." I said now standing in front of them.

"Well well if it isn't Ms.Daniels , niña que está más fina que la última vez que te vi." He said grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on it.

"Cisco , I would say the same for you but you have gotten muy feo" 

"Oh whatever you know that's not true but I'll leave you alone for now." He said walking off the greet some people at the door.


Unlike his brother who looked put together Parker was a mess. His hair was all over the place like he had been pulling at, his eyes were slightly red and glossy. He had bags underneath them which showed he hadn't gotten any sleep the night before but somehow he still looked attractive. Without thinking I pulled him into a hug. For a few seconds he stood there but then he wrapped his arms around my waist. He placed a kiss on my head and mumbled out a thank you. We pulled away but he still had his hands around my waist.

"I have to give the eulogy"

I looked up at him and saw that his eyes held a certain emotion.


"I stayed up last night trying my best to come up with something anything to say but I couldn't I-

"shussh!" I cut him off placing a finger on his lips "Just say what comes from here." I said pointing to his heart , "and you will be fine."

After everyone was seated the service began, many people got up to say how they felt about maria and the memories they shared with her. not long after it came time for Parker to do the eulogy. He stood from the place he was sitting and walked to the podium. He stood there for a moment and looked around.

"Maria Sanchez was a mother, a sister, a friend and listed of many thing bbut to me she was my abluea and now she is my angel. I always was her favorite even though Cisco thinks otherwise." he said which caused everyone to laugh. He looked towards me and i gave him a reassuring smile.

"She Taught me many things and got me out of trouble with parents numerous times. She was the only person who i felt like i could talk to about my problems to. She would always say Mantener la cabeza en alto niño es demasiado grande para colgar baja o de lo contrario se caerá and I would smile and say Tengo mi cabeza grande de tu lado de la familia . But beside all that  my Abuela touched mostly everyones,s heart that came in contact with her. She was so positive and it sad that a negative thing had to take her away but she wouldn't  want us to be sad she would want us to be happy that she is at peace. Fly high abuela you will always be in my heart." He said as he walked down and placed a kissed  on the closed casket.

After they place her into the ground  everyone in Parker's family went back to his house. he dragged me along to much to my protest and said that even though we weren't together i was still family. Right now I was siting between Cisco and Parker who were arguing about what song was there abulea favorite.

"Are you kidding me she hated that song." Cisco said as snatched the phone out of Parker's hand. He begun to type in another song.

"I'm her favorite, I know what the hell her favorite song was so give me back my damn phone."

I rolled my eyes , these two are ridiculous.

"Yo coco let me see the phone."

"Kayla what did I tell you about that stupid ass nickname." He said glaring at me but he pass the phone to me anyways. I type in the song and press play. The music started to play and both of the brothers begin to sing.

Algo en tu cara me fascina
Algo en tu cara me da vida
¿Será tu sonrisa?
¿Será tu sonrisa?

Cisco stood up and grab my hand pulling me up from my seat to dance. He pulled me to him and sung the rest lowly into my ear causing chills to run up my spine.

Algo en tu cara me fascina
Algo en tu cara me da vida
¿Será tu sonrisa?
¿Será tu sonrisa?

Cisco spun me just as the tempo of the beat change and Parker took this as opportunity to dance with me. 

"When I was little every Saturday morning I would hear this basting through the house and knew that my abuela was downstairs cleaning." Parker said as we danced.

I smiled  "Remember when I first met your family and she was complaining how people don't  know what really dancing is nowadays."

Parker nodded , "She said it was too much sacudiendo las pompas."  He said spinning me.
I let go of his hand "You mean like this." I said turn around to shake my ass. He whistled in approval and grab my waist pulling me back to him. I looked around the backyard and noticed that everyone was dancing. I smiled and looked
To the sky. This is what she wanted and I knew in my heart what I had to do.

I won't let you down Maria.

Not edited
So put ya knifes and ya pitchforks down lol don't kill me but I'm sorry guys for taking so long to update but I appreciate your votes and comments  and y'all omg we are now at 17k reads like I'm so shocked and it all because of you guys. Thanks for giving my book with a bunch of errors a chance because at the end of the day it's about the story so yea. Oh and that sexy piece of man at the top is Cisco ;).

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