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Training had finally finished for the day, and I was excited! It had been such a long, hard day...using the Force was tiring. Especially when Master Windu told me that I couldn't use the Force in the ways that were easiest for me, because those were the ways of the Sith.
I didn't want to be a Sith. Sith were evil.

So I listened to the Jedi Masters.

As I ran down the hallway happily, I heard someone crying. Curious, I paused and started tiptoeing along the hallway, looking for the source of the sound. I heard the sound again. "Hello?" I called softly.

There was no answer.

I slipped into the room where the crying had come from. "Hello?" I repeated.

A boy who was slightly older than me turned away from me, his face tear-stained.

"Were you crying?" I asked innocently.

He shrugged.


He shook his head.

I climbed onto the bed beside him. "I'm Zenila Castan. You can call me Zeni," I said.

He blinked a couple of times and tried to smile. "I'm Anakin Skywalker, but you can call me Ani. I'm new here."

I was confused. Weren't people born here from the very beginning? How could someone be "new" at the Temple? "Oh..." I finally managed. "That's great! I can show you around."

"I miss my mom though," Ani said.

"Oh." I was lost again. Jedi didn't have moms or dads; the Masters were their parents. "I don't have a mom or dad."

Ani smiled slowly. "I don't have a dad, just a mom. She's back on Tatooine, where I come from."

"Is it far from Coruscant?"


I swung my legs in silence for a few minutes. "Are you going to be a Jedi?"

"That's what Obi-Wan says," Ani said. "The Council says I'm the Chosen One."

I gasped. For years I had heard of this Chosen One but had never actually met him. "Really?"

Anakin laughed in delight at my response. "Yeah, really. They say I'm strong in the Force."

"That's cool. They just say my Force abilities are-are strange."

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