Chapter 3

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My only other friend was a Separatist named Quinn Sharu. Quinn and I had never met in person, but I had met her mother, one of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's right-hand people. Like her mother, Quinn was deathly pale, and she was bald. But I thought her beautiful for her friendliness, openness, and love for me. Despite our differing sides, which had caused more than a few arguments, we loved each other deeply like sisters.

We talked via hologram fairly often, and I had almost succeeded in bringing her back to the Republic. since her mother was--well, the woman had connections--Quinn was wanted throughout the galaxy. However, she had managed to hide herself well from the bounty hunters that were sent out from time to time with my help.

I wanted desperately to talk to her now, to explain everything, to ask her advice.

But when the call went through and she picked up, I was shocked. She was filthy, covered with bruises and scars, and her surroundings looked like a prison.

"Quinn! What's going on?" I said, shocked.

"Zeni!" she cried. "They've got me."

"What? Who? How-when? What happened? Don't move, Quinn, I'm going to rescue you!"

Quinn shook her head slowly. "You can't. I'm...I was found by-by Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. The Jedi have me."

I dropped my holographic receiver.

"And now I'm on trial for treason. My mother is pushing for my release, but it's up to the Jedi Council." She shuddered. "They've been torturing me..." she whispered.

"The Jedi? Torture?! They wouldn't! They wouldn't torture anyone, much less a girl like you!"

"They would, they have, and they are." Quinn licked her dry lips. "Well, maybe not they themselves. Why would they stoop that low? They have ordered my torture," she gasped, shaking. "And you say the Republic is such a grand place."

There was silence.

"I don't understand!" I finally burst out. "The Jedi--we're peacekeepers. Not torturers, and certainly not judges."

"What about executioners?" Quinn replied bitterly. "They've pretty much condemned me to death, Zeni. There's no hope for me."

"There has to be!" I protested. "Look, I'm almost on the Jedi Council. I'll see if I can do something to get you set free. I won't let you be--"

"It's no use. There's no hope." Weakly, Quinn rested her head against the wall of her cell. "You see, I've been studying the arts of the Sith in order to protect myself against this. Not the Sith, even. But training in fighting styles, so I can protect myself. Therefore, in their minds, I am a Sith, despite the fact that I can't use the Force."

My eyes stung, and I felt tears build up in my eyes. "Quinn, I won't let you die! You're not a Sith, you're just standing up for what you think is right and trying to protect yourself. There's nothing wrong with that!"

"They're accusing me of treason. And of being a Sith," Quinn mumbled brokenly.

I closed my eyes. "So what does that mean?"

For the first time, Quinn looked straight at me. She smiled bitterly. "It means I'm going to be executed. Soon. And by a Jedi, as an example of what happens to enemies of the Republic." She began to cry.

"They're going to publicly execute you?" I whispered.

"Yes!" Quinn sobbed.

"They can't!" I wiped my eyes harshly. "They can't, Quinn! You're just a girl! You haven't done anything wrong beyond hoping for a better galaxy and trying to protect yourself!"

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