Chapter 2

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"Why'd you need to take the morning off?" Senator Amidala demanded as soon as I returned. She looked stunning, as usual: hair pulled back from her face in yet another intricate hairdo, tight brown corset, blue jacket over top. But unfortunately, sometimes beauty is just skin-deep.

"I needed to see some friends," I replied carelessly, pulling up a camera monitor.



Amidala rolled her eyes. "That doesn't say anything. Wait. Was it Anakin? Is he back yet?"

"Back, and annoying," I ground out. "Stupid kid thinks he knows more than a Jedi Knight."

"Don't talk about him like that!" Amidala reprimanded me sharply. "He is older than you, and he's been in wars in the Outer Rim."

"Where I was supposed to be also, but for you," I retorted. "There's a new security detail coming, so I need to brief them. I don't have time to argue right now, Milady."

"I don't want security, I want answers," Amidala said pettishly. "I want to know who's trying to kill me and why."

"That, Milady, would be a job for a detective. My job-and the job of the new security detail-is to protect you, not hunt down assassins," I replied coolly, pushing the monitor from me.

"Zeni? Yousa back?" Jar-Jar Binks hurried over to me. "Mesa miss you!"

"I was only gone for the morning, but aww. I missed you too, Jar-Jar," I said, allowing a smile to cross my face. "How was your morning?"

"Good, mesa think."


"Zeni, the new security detail is in the elevator," Captain Typho told me, coming up behind me. "You all right? You seem a bit out of sorts today."

"I'm well enough to do my job," I replied. "Let's go check out this new security detail."

Senator Amidala hurriedly posed on the couch, while her hand maidens fussed around her, dabbing makeup here and there. "Zeni, remember, I-"

"No, Senator. Our job is to protect. If you wish, I shall have a detective brought in later," I cut her off. I stood in front of the elevator and crossed my arms. "I hope this new detail has a few brains among them. I don't want to have to train them. I simply don't have time to."

Captain Typho patted my shoulder. "They should be all right, Zeni. Nothing to worry about."

"Thanks, Captain." I smiled a little before resuming my pose.

The elevator came up the shaft and stopped.

My heartbeat quickened, but I forced myself to stay calm.

The doors slid open.

My jaw dropped.

Captain Typho bowed respectfully to the new security detail.

"Well, well, look what the nexu dragged in," I sneered at Anakin, recovering from my surprise.

"Look who looks like something the nexu dragged in," Anakin retorted. His blue eyes flashed with anger momentarily before he composed himself.

"Skywalker, you're under me now," I hissed, using the Force to steal his lightsaber. "That means you follow my orders, show me respect, and shut the hell up." I turned to Master Kenobi, who looked fairly bewildered, and bowed. "I apologize for my less-than-welcome greeting, Master."

Master Kenobi returned the bow. "What is going on, you two?" he demanded.

"She just-" Anakin began.

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