Chapter 3-When it all started

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Blake's POV

This is bad, this is really really bad!! This shouldn't be happening!! We are in DEEP SHIT! HEAD DEEP! What the fuck was Cole thinking?! what if her condition is critical?!! Oh no ohno please let her be okay.

I paced the empty classroom while the thoughts kept torturing me. My shirt was wet with my own sweat. It's something that does not happen a lot it only happens when I am extremely stressed. I kept torturing me by thinking about her, ignoring the fact that I must not be stressed about her. ' it's only because I pity her and that I would be in trouble if something happened to her.' I said to my inner self trying to comfort my ego and trying to give an excuse to my inner devils who are thinking something far to unreal and dreamy.

"Ah! Don't fucking touch it!" said a pained voice from the corner of the room.

I turned to face them.

" It's swelling and it's still red." said Dyran in a boring voice as Cole asked him every 5minutes about the condition of his left cheek. He got bored, only thing entertaining him was the sounds Cole made when he poked his injured cheek.
Cole return keeping his ice pack on his cheek,"that bitch" he soon started cursing her. That's all he has been doing for the past few mins ( which seemed like hours) besides boring Dyran.

" Does it hurt?? " Dyran asked.

" Oh don't even start about it." Cole replied giving him an irritated look.

" She did pretty well, by how skinny she is." Dyran said while examining Cole's cheek and grinning.

" There is nothing to laugh about it." Cole said and glared at Dyran.

" Sorry man, but I can't help it." said Dyran and started laughing.

" Oh man how am gonna get out with this face!? This is so embarrassing. " said Cole.

My anger boiled at their stupidness. How could they be so relaxed?

" Seriously, guys you think this is funny!? Aren't guys even a bit Worried? " I said.

" Dude all I care about now is my fucking swelling cheek." Cole said.

" What if she lodges a complaint against us." I said while rubbing my temple with my forefinger and thumb.

" Why would she do That. " Dyran asked stupidly.

" Oh I don't think what Cole did was very polite and that she might find it funny." I said, failing to keep the bitterness and sarcasm off my tone.

" Would you just chill for once Blake!??" said Cole angrily.

Cole shouldn't be angry? Why is he angry? I should the one who yelling! As I was the one who carried her to the hospital wing, I am the one who is standing in the spotlight of suspicion. Not him!

"CHILL?? Are you kidding me Cole! Jesus Christ she fainted there! And why should you've worried as I am the one under suspicion! " I yelled.

" Look you are worried that she would file a complaint or something and that it would direct to you, right? We have a solution to your problem...." said Cole while trying to calm me by putting his hand on my shoulder.

" Our. Our problem." I said while glaring at him.

He sighed and then continued while holding his hands up in defeat " Okay solution to OUR problem.." emphasising the word 'our'. " But you are going to support us in this solution thing, or the consequences wouldn't be good for you! " Cole said while poking his finger in chest and raising his eyebrows.

" Okay.... But what is the plan?" I said by looking at both of them expecting them to answer me.

Cole looked at Dyran with a smile slowly spliting his face into two parts, Dyran grinned.
" Oh this is gonna be fun. " said Dyran grinning widely.

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