Chapter 5 -The Waitress and the boner.

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to leigh_xoxo.

Blake's POV

Ugh I am so tried! And sleepy. And most of all hungry.
Only if Dyran would'nt have been such an ass and a cry baby. He could solve his personal matters with his girlfriend Heather by himself.

Today, at 2am he called me to comeover to his house. The only thing that motivated me was the seriousness in his voice and that he claimed it as an emergency!
Can you believe it? Really? 2am in the morning!
I had to go all the way across the town to meet him just to know that he had a fight with Heather. Again at 2am!!! And wanted me for advice. All night he went on and on about the fight and did I mention it was senseless and boring? All my ears could hear was blah blah blah! It took me all my worldly energy to keep myself awake and not to throw a chair at his face.

Back in reality I found myself in front of a cafe. It had Cocobean written in red on top of it. I suppose it's the name of the cafe. What caught my eye wasn't the name of the cafe but the little black and white dress made out of a piece of cardboard bearing the word 'open' that hung upon the door. It wasn't usual for a cafe door. Oh fuck it! I am HUNGRY! What do you expect I would do next? Of course, I went inside with drool dripping down my face. As soon as I entered I looked for an empty table, all I could I think now was the wonderful smell of coffee that filled the air. Oh the smell of coffee beans is so good! The smell only made me even more hungry.

I looked around for the menu. Until my eyes fell upon a sexy doll wearing a little black and white dress that ended somewhere between her mid thighs. The dress exposed her perfect curves and her sexy long legs.
The dress was made to seduce every man on the planet! She didn't just had the perfect and the sexist body, she also had a beautiful face with a slang on innocence in it. Oh the perfect combination! Hot and cute!! Who wouldn't want that?! Oh how much I wanted to bite her red full lips. Her black rimmed glasses complimented her dark eyes. Her eyes....I could loose myself in them forever. They held so many secrets.

She wasn't even looking at me and she was already affecting me. I could feel myself harden beneath the table cloth. She moved and my eyes moved towards her in sync. No matter how much I tried to take my eyes off her, I couldn't, my eyes seemed to be glued to her. She bent a little to pick up something from the lower shelf, it exposed her skin even more, even though it was just a little bit. It was little a party in my pants. My little buddy's excitement was now turned on to a new level! It was full on boner! My thing was twitching like a wild animal caged against its will and longs to be freed. I looked down to have a look at it, oh god it was bad! And by bad I mean towards the edge of the its release! I tried pressing my legs together to stop it's movement. When I looked up she was gone. Oh I lost her. I looked around, but still I couldn't find her. But instead there was another girl with the same black and white dress, with her golden blonde hair tied up into a high ponytail. She looked hot! But not as much as the previous one.

I searched the room again for a hint of finding her, but in vain, instead I found other girls wearing the same dress and talking to people sitting on the table. Somehow now, more I see the dress closely, I find it familiar! Oh where have I seen it! I struggled through my thoughts scanning them for a resemblance. And then it hit me. The cardboard drawing hung on the front door, that was it, I looked similar. And these are the waitresses.DAMN!! A cafe full of sexy girls with short dresses serving you! It's like one of my. Wettest dreams come to life!

The girl came out of a door which I suppose was the kitchen of the cafe with a tray in her hand which had 2 coffee cups on them. As the aroma of coffee reached my nose, once again my hunger rose. She took the tray to a table right in front of me where to guys of around 15 to 16 were sitting. They were highschool boys. She set the tray down on the table and served them their coffee. A slang of jealousy hit me when the other guy tried to hit on her. Even though it wasn't my
business I didn't wanted her to give him a chance.
" Hey, you are hot, let's go out sometime." he said with an ugly smirk on his face.
She just smiled in response.
No don't smile! Hit him, hit him with a chair.... In his face! Do it! now! My inner self screamed.

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