In the heart of our hearts by death we were wed

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Ville's POV

I can't believe she just up and left, no warning nothing. This not being able to read her thoughts is starting to become a problem, im going to have to figure out a way around it, I bet she is with Ashley that's it im not letting her get away with this any more every time I let her get away with things and she has just gotten worse, I'm the born princess of darkness she is just in her position because of me, its time she learnt who is in charge. Just as I put the last few things in my suitcase there was a knock at the door, carrying my suit case down stairs wondering who would be here, I opened the door to be jumped on. "Hello my darling" the person said as i finally got to see who it was. "What are you doing here?" i questioned angrily. "Is that really the best way to greet your past love" she hissed back. "Past being the main word there my dear" I said trying to stay calm. "So where is your new project?" she questioned, "With friends in America i am actually on my way to the airport now to fly out and meet her" i said picking up my suitcase, and heading towards the door, "Well I will be here when you are back we have alot to discuss my vampire god" she said as she disappeared into the darkness. She is one part of the past i do not need Alison finding out about. 

I arrived at the airport with minutes to spare but was soon checked in and sitting in my seat, I couldn't stop thinking about my earlier visitor, Why would she turn up out of the blue and not long after Alison requested to set the wedding day back, i regret ever changing her, i was at a low point in life and she was the only one who gave me hope, well until I found Alison again. Before I knew it i became drowsy and fell asleep dreaming of the past................ 


Shit, I have ran out of booze again, I'm getting sick of this, I thought getting my shoes and coat on, having to go out in the cold is stupid someone should just bring it too me. I stepped into the icy Helsinki air, not really caring about the cold, I can't really feel it anyway so I dont know why I moan about it, I guess it's just habbit, Maybe I will meet some chick on the way to pass some time. The shop wasn't too far away so it didn't take me too long to stumble there, once inside I went straight to the beer, I got about 20 bottles, and then a bottle of vodka and another bottle of tequila, that should last me till morning I thought. I went up to the counter and thats when I spotted her, Black hair, pale complexion and smokey black eye make up, "so sweetheart what time do you finish? I'm having a one man party and would like to know if you wish to make it a two man party?" i questioned, "I finish in about 2 minutes and sure sounds fun" she answered. I paid for my booze and waited for her to grab her coat and lock up, well that was simple. "so darling, lets go get plastered" I said leading her towards my home. We entered the hallway and i kicked off my shoes and shrugged off my jacket, hanging it up, i then went into the kitchen to grab the last two cold beers out of the fringe replacing them with new bottles, I then got shot glasses from the cupboard and poured 6 shots of tequila, "can you keep up my dear?" I joked, "The question is can you?" she joked back.  Before i knew it we were both pretty drunk and rolling around the music room floor laughing. She suddenly stopped, " I don't even know your name?" she said. "oh shit yeah, I'm Ville and you are?" i replied, "Ville as in the Ville but you died and oh well that explains all the HIM stuff, and I'm Crystal". "Yeah about that, don't be telling everyone I love my new found piece and quiet".


"Sir we are about to land" A voice said waking me from my dream. I opened my eyes to see a member of the cabin crew smiling at me, I smiled back then sat up preparing myself for the landing. Once landed I collected my luggage, then headed out to get a cab and head to Bams, once i got in the cab with out thinking i asked for him to take me to a hotel, why have i done that, maybe its because i need to grow up and let Alison have some space, I also need to sort my head out before i see her, if i even let my guard down for a second she will see my thoughts and I can't have that now. I headed into the hotel, checked in then went up to my room, I slung my bags down on to the floor then took out my phone dialling Bams number, "ZILLA" he shouted, "Hey I'm in Westchester but I'm gonna stay at a hotel, let Alison have some space" I said calmly, "Right that does not sound like you at all Ville, whats happened?"Bam said seriously, he knows me too well, "Crystal" is all i said before hanging up. He will only start questioning, and well Alison can read Bams mind without even trying so I am not going into detail with him. I'm not even sure why I am worrying so much about it in the first place, would Alison really judge me, I should just tell her, we are meant to tell her everything, but can I do this can I tell her. 

"Oh shit" I said out loud, its late and iv not eaten yet, should probably get out and get something, I slipped on my shoes, and jacket checking if I had my wallet, Yup, right off I go. As soon as I stepped out the hotel, I saw her, no it can't be shes still in Finland I'm just seeing stuff, I ignored my mind and headed to the closest resturant. Ville chill out seriously, you are gonna let your guard down.  

(Ville Valo) You Will Join Me In Death PT 2Where stories live. Discover now