Strange world

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Authors note: sorry for taking so long, lifes been a bit hetic recently with a new job etc. 

Alisons POV

Its christmas day around 9am, I can hear everyone downstairs but i just cant stop looking at this list of dates and countries, the first one is in 2 days and i just cant bring myself to tell chris. Hes got a party planned for new years eve hes wants me to meet his parents but I wont be here, I will be off doing this stupid vampire duty I never signed up for. "Alison get up, the children are getting impatient" Devin shouted from the other side of the door.  "Fine" I replied. I got up stuck some pjs on then headed downstairs. I have never see grown men so happy that they could now open presents. "Finally" chris said pulling me into his lap which i saw crawled out of, I feel so guilty that i am just going to up and leave tomorrow as i need to be there for early hours.  The lads started handing out presents so i took this as coffee time and snuck off to the kitchen. "Its a new pot" came devins voice from behind me. "Alison whats up? you were so excited for christmas then the last day of tour its like everything had gone, you have gone back to how you were when you were with Ville". As you can see Devin just tells me how it is. "I have to go on some royal tour with Ville and I have to leave tomorrow" I managed to get out. "Why didn't you tell me" Chris said. He walked out and I heard the front door slam shut. "This is why" I whispered. 

2 hours later

Chris still wasn't back, Devins gone to look for him and I am sat here packing. Tears haven't stopped falling from my eyes, I ruined Christmas even though I tried not too. After putting the last few things in my suitcase I zipped it up, checked all my flight stuff was in my hand luggage then just sat on my bed looking through the photos from tour, Ricky had got them all printed and put in an album for me for as a present. All of a sudden the sadness left and I just felt angry the next second everything in my room was on the floor. I really need to get these powers under control.  I heard a knock on the door then Ryan came in, "want some help?" he asked. The guys have got so used to my outbursts now that its just part of our day to day. He started picking up some bits and putting them away. "Ryan, I can't do this, I didn't sign up for this. why can't Ville just tell them we are over". I slumped to the ground and began crying again. Ryan put down what ever he had in his hand and came and sat next to me.  "I am gonna sound like your parent right now but some times we have to do things we don't want to do. I know Chris is angry but hes angry because you didn't tell him, I mean we are all pretty pissed, You know we will support you with it all, if you had given us the list we could have planned some shows in those citys to be near by." I sighed hes right keeping it to myself has just made it worse. "He said Chris can't be there, if Chris is there they won't believe we are together". "Well then give me the list, I will have some secret fan club only shows set up. And we will be there without actually being there" Ryan half smiled giving me a hug. "Now come on its food time and I know how much you love Christmas dinner" Ryan said pulling me up with him. We headed downstairs and Chris and Devin were back whispering at the table, I made myself not listen as I had a feeling it was something I didn't want to hear. We all sat round the table and started eating, Chris was drinking heavily and every once in a while I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my head. why didn't i just tell him. 

Dinner was over and I decided it was hot tub time, so I got changed then headed outside, the cool air felt great on my skin, I slipped into the warm water and let my thoughts take over. I was thinking about where I was going over the next Month, wondering if I had to share a room with Ville which lead on to the do I have to share a bed. What do we have to do on this so called tour. I felt the water change and I opened my eyes Chris was now sat opposite me holding out a drink to me, "Pink gin and lemonade??? Devin said you moved on from vodka" I took the drink and downed it, "And this is why i bought you 2 out" he laughed and handed me another. "I'm sorry, I couldn't get my head round it and I didn't want to ruin Christmas and I knew you were so happy about me finally meeting your parents and I hate this"  The water started to bubble more and get colder as my anger rose, Chris moved closer to me and cuddled me which made me instantly relax. the water went warmer and the bubbles went back to normal. "He Ryans already gave you your telling off so I won't do it again but please next time tell me, We knew Ville was going to make this difficult, hes never been the easiest of people anyway" Chris said wiping away a tear from my cheek, "Ryans sorting the dates now with the tour manager and we will be on the flight after yours tomorrow" he leant down and kissed me, pulled back then looked in my eyes, before kissing me alot more passionately this time. "NOT IN MY HOT TUB" Rickys voice screamed which made me and Chris pull apart giggling, Ricky and the other guys got in to the hot tub, Devin handed me another drink and Ryan lifted up the lemonade and gin, "Thought this would have been better then just a glass" he whispered. 

(Ville Valo) You Will Join Me In Death PT 2Where stories live. Discover now