Kaelin julies

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"Director Fury." I saluted him as he walked past, and he gave me a nod of recognition. Sighing, I trailed behind him, my head pointed towards my feet.  "Kaelin, I need you to check the radiation. If it spikes tell me immediately." Dr. Selvig told me in a soft voice, and I sent a dazzling smile towards him.

"Right away, sir." I rushed over to the computer, analyzing the information. Feeling a presence behind me, I whipped around and met face-to-face with Clint. "Barton." I smugly smirked, and he returned with a smile. "Julies." He replied, and I wrapped my arms around him. "Haven't seen you in awhile." He pecked my forehead, and I pulled away from the hug.

"How goes it?" I asked sweetly, and he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Still crushing on Romanoff?" I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. His face turned a light pink, causing me to laugh. "Yes." He whispered into my ear, releasing me from his grip.

He quickly ran over to Director, saluting the way I had. Shaking my head slightly, I turned back to the computer, being shocked by the radiation.

"Dr. Selvig!" I cried loudly, and his head snapped over to me. "The radiation spiked more than 5 times!" He almost sprinted over to me, frantically pressing buttons on the computer trying to calm it down.

A bright blue light momentarily blinded all of us, and I was knocked back onto the ground.  Groaning loudly, I desperately scrambled to my feet. I felt extremely light headed, and I could feel the blood running down my arm. Turning my head to where the light had exploded, there stood a tall man that sent a jolt of fear through my chest.

His head turned towards people who had started to shoot at him, and I jumped back in fright when he stabbed them with a scepter. My heart was beating very fast. I crawled over to the wall, and pressed my back up against it. I brought my knees up to my chest, and buried my face in the dark denim. I wrapped my arms around them, and huddled them close to my body.

I wasn't that scared, but I will admit, I was a little scared. Protecting myself from anything that would come flying my direction, I heard soft talking, and then footsteps becoming louder.

My heart was almost beating out of my chest, and I sucked in a few deep breaths. Feeling something gently caress my head, I snapped my eyes up. I met a pair of soft -looking- hazel eyes. I briskly shot to my feet, my head only coming up to his shoulders.

"My my, you're quite the short one, hmm?" His voice permeated the air, and my eyes widened slightly. "Do not call me short." I hissed threateningly, and I could feel my eyes burn with power. "Oh, does that anger you?" He teased me, and a smirk plastered itself onto his face.

"You're very powerful, my dear. What might you be?" His examined me, and I could feel Director Fury's eyes burning a whole through the back of my head. "Why would you want to know?" His smirk faltered, but was quickly replaced with a smug look. "What is she?" He asked Clint, and I looked over at Clint. He had a mild gash on his forehead, and his eyes were now an eerie blue. "She's a Daeva." Clint's voice frightened my more than anything, it sounded emotionless, flat.
"A Daeva, my dear, care to explain?" The male turned to me, and I shook my head.

"Alright, I'll get it out of you eventually." He beamed, and swooped me up into his arms. "What-what are you doing?! Let go of me!!!" I screamed, thrashing in his arms. His eyes were dark, darker than anyone's I'd ever seen.

"No, you are mine." He hissed, his deadly voice sending shivers down my spine. "Your what?" I spat menacingly, and he simply smirked at me.

"My queen."

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