Chapter 4

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  "Darling..." A soft voice brought me out of my slumber, and gentle shaking caused me to open my eyes. "What?" I grumbled, lifting myself from Loki's neck. "We're moving into this warehouse." He whispered in my ear, and I dragged myself off his body and planted my feet on the ground. I grabbed onto Loki's hand, grasping it for dear life.

I stumbled around, and accidentally tripped. Falling to the floor, Loki swooped down and caught me by the waist. "Guess I'll carry you." He smirked, pulling me back up and the hauling me up onto his chest. He grabbed my legs, and wrapped them around his back as I laid my head on his shoulder. Closing my eyes again, my breathing deepened and I relaxed fully against Loki.

I heard him open the door, and I heard the other people walk in behind him, carrying the tesseract and it's materials. "Look, Master Loki, something weird is going on outside!" I heard one of his little "followers" yell from the door, and it caught my attention. "Like what?" He asked quietly, assuming I was already asleep. "It looks like a tornado, but it's no windy." He sounded genuinely confused, and I immediately knew what was going on.

"Son of a bitch." I growled under my breath, pulling away from Loki. He looked surprised, shocked almost, as I cursed. "My my, you have a dirty mouth." He smirked, and I rolled my eyes. "I need to go outside." I muttered, falling from his arm and onto my  feet. Brushing myself off, I stumbled over to the wall, and casually leaned against it. "Oh no you don't." Loki hissed from behind me, cornering me into the wall with his arms.

"I can't let you do that." He smugly responded, his breath hitting my lips. "I need to." I replied desperately, feeling anxious as I glanced through the door and saw the tornado-looking thing. "And why is that?" His face was extremely close, as his nose was no more that a centimeter away from mine. "I-I don't know how to explain it." I stuttered, feeling claustrophobic, and the feeling of panic starting to settle in my stomach. "Well, I need to at least hold your hand, because I don't want you getting away." His hand traveled down to mine, and he laced our fingers together.

Taking a deep breath, I supported myself with the help of Loki, and we made our way outside. As soon as the door shut, a burst of wind came from the tornado, making me stumble back. "Oh no..." I mumbled, as I watched a figure plummet to the ground from the heavens.

Watching Emily, my unruly master, land on the ground, I loudly sighed. She stood up, and smirked at me. She transported to right in front of Loki and I. "Hello my babygirl." She cooed, lifting her hand to stroke my cheek. I flinched as she gently stroked it, and I heard Loki lowly growl from his throat. "Oh, I see you found your beloved mate." She smirked, diverting her gaze over to Loki. "Quite the handsome one, isn't he?" She cackled with laughter, and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you need, Emily?" I interrupted her eyes from Loki, and it was her turn to roll her eyes. "I heard your shadow got hurt, I'm here to heal her."  She muttered, "But this is the last time I'll ever do it for you, and remember, this makes you immobile for 2 more days. So now you won't be able to walk around for 5 more days." My eyes lit up, despite the fact that I would be stuck immobile for three more days, and I ripped my hand from Loki's. "Oh, thank you thank you, Emily!!" I cried as she wrapped her arms around me. "Last time." She warned, and she snapped her fingers swiftly. As she disappeared, her figure was replaced with my Navaeh.

"NAVEAH!" I cried, feeling the newly found fatigue wash over my body. Navaeh rushed over to my body, wrapping her transparent arms around me to keep me up. "I missed you." Tears filled my eyes, as her body lovingly held me against her. I felt the love radiate off of her, and then she turned to Loki. Her feeling immediately turned to hate and anger. "Naveah, calm." I soothed her, as she supported my body. Feeling her question me, I sighed and turned to Loki.

"Loki, would you mind doing me a favor?" My voice was quiet, as this was the first time I really talked to him. He immediately nodded, and replied "I would do anything for you, my dear." His voice was even softer than mine, and I slightly smiled. "Navaeh's going to touch your hand. She wants to read your feelings." He looked at me weirdly, but ultimately smiled. "Alright." He held his hand out, and Navaeh moved us towards him. She gently lay her shadow hand on-top of his, and immediately retracted.

I sighed, and she turned back to me. "Go rest." I commanded her, and she nodded. She helped me over to Loki, and he promptly wrapped his arms around me. "C'mon, love." He whispered in my ear, as I yawned. "I'm... I'm tir... I need to sleep." I sleepily mumbled against his neck, and he chuckled. "Then sleep, my dear. I'll be right here when you wake." His voice lulled me to sleep, as he gently rocked our bodies back and forth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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