Chapter 1

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"My queen."

My eyes widened dramatically, and I struggled ferociously in his arms. "Let me go, you pompous jerk!" I squirmed in his arms, but he held me close to his chest. "You aren't getting away, you might as well stop struggling."  My head snapped over to Clint, who was absently playing with his hands.

"Clint what's wrong with you?" I cried, reaching my hand out to his. "I've been shown the truth."  He growled at me, pulling his hand back. My chest tightened with tears, but I managed to hold them back. Taking a deep, shaky breath, I furiously rubbed at my eyes. Feeling the power surge in my stomach, I desperately tried to phase into my wolf, in his arms.

"What are you trying to do, my love? I can feel your power in my arms." The man's voice was significantly softer than it was a couple minutes ago in the building. We were now fleeing, after Clint told Director Fury that the room was going to implode on itself.  Refusing to open my mouth, I summoned my shadow, Navaeh, to come help me.

"Navaeh!!" I called out to her, and I could feel her rushing towards me. "You better watch out, Loki." Clint warned this 'Loki' character, as I felt Navaeh coming to my rescue. Relaxing in his arms, I felt Loki chuckle. "Whatever you're trying to do, darling, it's not going to work. No matter how powerful you are, I am much more." He chuckled, and I could feel the vibrations.

Hearing the familiar screeching of my shadow, I smirked.

The dark figure grabbed me out of Loki's hands, and I smiled. She held me about 15 feet off the ground, and I praised her with a pat on the head.  "If you shoot her shadow with your scepter, she will go into a fatigued mode until her shadow regenerates." Loki evilly smiled, pointing his scepter at Navaeh.

"Naveah run!!!" I cried, but she simply held me. "Navaeh!" Tears filled my eyes, "Drop me and run!!"  It was too late, as a burst of light came flying out of Loki's scepter, and crashing in her. She dissipated into thin air, and I was sent to the ground. "NAVAEH!" I fell to the ground with a 'thud', and I cried out in pain and sorrow. Clint's eyes flashed their normal brown, but quickly flashed back to blue.

"What did that do to her, Clint?" Loki asked, and I thought I could hear a faint trace of worry in his voice. "It killed a part of her soul, but only temporarily. As she's a Daeva, her shadow is a part of her soul. She takes about 3 days to regenerate, and while she is, she barely does anything but lie around. She'll act different, nice to everyone. Then she returns to herself."

I laid on the ground, motionless. "Oh, that's helpful." I heard Loki's voice, and in a weird way, it soothed me. Letting out a trembling breath, I tried to push myself off the ground and run, but I just couldn't find the energy. "My dear, can you stand?" He
knelt down next to me, and set a hand on my back. I slightly cringed, but I couldn't find any energy in myself. I groaned in pain, and tried to shake my head.

Feeling arms wrap around my waist, I was pulled into the air, and onto a body. I was extremely exhausted. I was too exhausted to fight back- I was too exhausted to even move.  "It's okay, I like this better." I could hear the smile in his statement, one of his arms wrapped around my back.

We made it to a car, and Clint got in the front. Loki, who was still carrying me, climbed in the back. He set me on the cold metal of the pick up truck, and I groaned. "Stay still." He hissed, and I could do nothing but oblige. I weakly lifted my head, to look out the back.

I saw Agent Hill in the car behind us, and I mouthed the word 'help'. She nodded sorrowfully, recognizing the need for my help. Loki suddenly pushed my head down, and I yelped in surprise. Keeping my head down, I bit my lip as the tears ran down my face. Hearing everything exploding, I let out a soft cry.  I slowly and painfully turned my head towards Loki, and saw him shoot from his scepter.  He stared up in the sky for a couple of seconds, and then sat back down.

As he smirked satisfyingly, his eyes traveled down to my body, which was sprawled across the back. I looked into his eyes, and noticed that they changed from evil to another emotion. "You don't look well, my dear." His hand gently came down, and rested on my cheek. "Is there anything I can help you with, love?" I heavily breathed, mustering up enough energy to reply. "Let..l-let me go h-home." I breathed out, and his eyes turned angry.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, darling." He grumbled, and I flinched. "W-why not?" He took his hand from my cheek, and gently set it on my side.  "Because, my dear, I think we're soul mates."

"S-soul mates?" I stuttered, feeling shocked. "I know, I never thought I, god of mischief, would have a soul mate. But, I heard everyone does." He shrugged, and I shook my head.

"I don't have a soul mate." I said, but Loki merely smiled. "Well, my dear, sorry to tell you, but I'm your soul mate."

I sighed heavily, closing my eyes. "Do you want sleep, darling?" He asked, and I nodded lightly. He gently picked up my limp body, and laid it on top of his. Shaking my head, I rolled off his body, and promptly fell asleep near the side of the wall.

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