I don't think GrUvia should become canon

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I don't think GrUvia should become canon.

It's not Juvia's fault, it's Gray's. If Hiro wants to canonize GrUvia then he needs to give Gray a HUGE redemption. He's too mean to Juvia. She deserves to be happy, whilst she didn't suffer through the worst pain out of the main cast - I think Gray or Erza suffered the most - she still suffered through pain and heartbreak. I want Juvia to be happy and Gray doesn't seem to be the person willing to be the one to deliver.

Now, I normally wouldn't say this if it could be helped. But I think Lyon deserves a chance, he is willing to give Juvia the attention she deserves. Now, Hiro does seem to be trying to turn things around but Gray hasn't shown anywhere near as much concern for Juvia as he does for Lucy or Erza.

Lucy is obviously gonna end up with Natsu.

But Hiro hasn't said anything about JErza or GrayZa, but Gray has a lot more respect for Erza and treats her on the whole with much more kindness the Juvia.

If Lyon can make Juvia happy, then I might like him because Juvia is one of my favourite characters, and when it comes to GrUvia, Gray is one of my least!

10) Lucy Heartfilia

9) Meredy

8) Gajeel Redfox

7) Rogue Cheney

6) Sting Eucliffe

5) Juvia Lockser

4) Erza Scarlett

3) Natsu Dragneel

2) Ur

1) Gray Fullbuster

Now, I do have a crush on Gray but that doesn't give him an excuse for being so mean to Juvia. He is still a character with flaws, and I can accept that but I don't think it's fair for me to treat him as a saint compared to the other characters. I still see him as a human.

When I take off my fangirl-hat, I can be logical and no matter how much I might want a different outcome, I can learn to accept things that will happen. An example of this it:

If Natsu and Gray had a proper fight - like one which was more intense then the one in the Daphne Arc - I honestly think Natsu would win.

Yes, Gray is more then willing to protect and save Juvia, but he also is willing to help Lucy and Erza and everyone else in the guild. I completely support GrUvia, but I don't think Gray is putting in enough effort to make it happen. If he suddenly started respecting Juvia a lot more, it would be happy times but it would be out of character for Gray. Hiro needs to handle this relationship with care.

I want both characters to end up happy, but the way their relationship is now I don't think it is with each other.

What Gray did to Juvia in the Avatar arc is more fuel to the fire, even if they did have a very tender moment at the end of the Tartarous Arc, Gray didn't even consider Juvia's feelings when he left. I think Juvia was TOO forgiving, Gray needs to make serious amends with Juvia, I don't think a simple apology will do it, no matter how much she loves you. That was too selfish.

I'm sorry Juvia. (and GrUvia fans)

~ Jaci

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