26 Facts About Me. (Tag. Jaci/Graci Ver.)

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I've been tagged by DanmakuExpress AND Jammerblue08716 to do a challenge. First challenge/tag!!! So I'm gonna do 26 facts! ^^;


1. You need to post all the rules.

2. You need to tag 13 people (see end of part)

3. You have to say 13 things about yourself.

4. You need to answer the questions for you and make question for the people you tagged.

5. You can't say; "I don't tag."

6. Tagbacks are allowed.

7. You have to finish within the week, if not the creator will tell you.

8. Be creative with the title. Don't go and write; "I got tagged .... and stuff."

9. You have to put the tag in a book, not in the comments.

13 Facts About Me:

1. I'm 14 years old, and was born on the 6th August 2001.

2. I do not consider myself to be a huge Otaku. I have only watched a few shows, quite a lot I am still in the middle (first ten episodes) of. But I have a huge list of shows TO watch.

3. I have a weird obsession with blue haired characters in TV Shows (this includes anime)

4. I am a Leo.

5. RiverSpirit456 (dA) and River Spirit (youtube) is my main inspiration for wanting to exceed in art, she also revived my love for the warrior cat series.

6. My top three favourite Artists/Bands are || 3) Taylor Swift || 2. 5 Seconds Of Summer || 1. Nickelback || And my favourite type of music is Pop/Rock.

7. When I am older, my original dream was to become a Fantasy Novelist, but now I want to become a Manga Artist, even though I'm not Japanese.

8. I used to play the violin, but I stopped two years ago because it was interfering with my studies. Now, however, I am trying to learn piano/keyboard.

9. I think I have quite a strong sense of justice and I am normally very sure about my opinions, but I'm always open to new ideas.

10. I am not scared to act or perform in front of people, I'll be a bit nervous of embarrassing myself but I will still do it. I will also play instruments for people and contribute in lessons (in quite a few of my classes, the majority of the people there only answer questions when asked). The only kind of performing that I will not do EVER is singing in front of people.

11. I used to be obsessed with this website called Quotev, I used to roleplay on it everyday (it is similar to Wattpad in the story aspect). The roleplays that I did helped MASSIVELY to increase my confidence but when I became obsessed with Wattpad instead and I stopped roleplaying my confidence dipped again.

12. I have never been against any LGBT people ever, but around a year ago I did view them differently to other humans not on a lower level the HetroSexual people just differently. Now, all that has changed I am COMPLETELY in favour of LGBT people getting the rights they should already have in the first place. Yaoi, Yuri and Anime did play a big factor in making me in favour but also, because of the fact that I know at least one person in every LGBT category:
Lesbian: One of my english teachers is lesbian
Gay: A really good friend of mine, called Georgia.
Bisexual: Me and Yuki are both bi.
Trans: Georgia again. She is a boy but she is more femine and has recently come out.

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