Chapter 17

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Mikey and I turned around in shock. Frank was grinning at us. "Well, well, well. I was not expecting to find two of my best friend's sucking each other's faces off in the library."

"Oh, grow up," I said while rolling my eyes. I was dying of embarrassment. I can't believe this just happened.

"Iris, wow. I was not expecting you to be dating Mikey." He started laughing and approached us.

"Frank Anthony Thomas Iero Jr," I said sternly, pointing a finger at his chest. "You say any of this to anyone and I'll cut your balls off." Mikey started laughing. I noticed how he still had his hands on my waist.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone. I promise that," Frank said after regaining his posture. "But that doesn't mean I'm not going to tease you." I rolled my eyes and looked through the bookcase for the book I needed. "My Mikey is growing up so fast," Frank said dramatically.

"Frank, leave it alone. It's not that big of a deal," Mikey grumbled.

"Oh, but it is. It is the biggest of news," Frank kept saying. "Did it happen on my birthday when we all got smashed?"


It was Halloween and Frank had insisted on us going to his house for his birthday. I reluctantly agreed, being told there will be candy. Well, there was candy. And a lot of alcohol. And I had made the mistake of drinking several beers while being there. We were in the basement, which is also Frank's room, listening to music and drinking as much as I could. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but at this point, I didn't care. I needed something to forget about the world. "We should play spin the bottle," Frank said with a smirk.

"There's only one girl in here, and I'm not kissing anyone," I scoffed out. I may be drunk, but I was not kissing anyone. Not even Mikey since our relationship was still a secret. He was the only one not drinking as much; he had to work tomorrow morning.

"Then instead of kisses, we strip," Frank said with a wider smirk. I shrugged. The five of us sat in a circle. Mikey was next to me, looking very uncomfortable. Frank spun the bottle and it landed on Gerard. Gerard rolled his eyes and took off his long sleeve shirt. His pale skin was a huge contrast against his ebony hair. Gerard took his turn and it landed on Ray. Ray took off his jacket, earning a whine from Frank. Ray spun the bottle and it landed on me. I was just in a tank top and pants, so it's one or the other. Honestly, I don't care. I took my shirt off and sat it aside. The guys started laughing.

"I can't believe you actually did it," Gerard said, rubbing his eye slightly. "This is why you're awesome." I winked at them playfully and laughed along with them. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mikey looking at me with wide eyes. "We need more booze. Frank, take me to the booze." Gerard and Frank left the basement; then Ray went to the bathroom. Mikey and I were alone.

"Why the fuck did you take off your shirt?" he asked angrily. "It's like you're purposely trying to make me angry."

"Well, you didn't stop me, so it doesn't matter. I mean we aren't actually dating, are we?" I was angry at him because I had overheard him tell Frank he would never date me because I wasn't his type. "You wouldn't date me because I'm not your type?" He stood up and went to close the door.

"If I'm correct, you were the one who wanted to keep it a secret from everyone else!"

"But I don't go telling people that you aren't my type or that I'm too good for you!"

"That's not what I meant Iris!"

"You sure as hell make it look like that!"

"At least I'm not stripping in front of my friends!"

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