Chapter 42

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"I've been in my room for three days," I said through the phone. "And there are still two more days left before I get to go back home."

"How do you get food?" Mikey asked.

"I either have Cassandra bring me something or I go when everyone is out. I just can't stand Tony, and it doesn't help that fucking Matilda is here sometimes. Plus I hate being around Chris. Something's just off about this whole family."

"Maybe they're all crack heads."

"That honestly wouldn't surprise me," I said with a chuckle. "But I'm tired of being in here. Just cramped up in this room."

"Then go out."

"Go out where?" I asked. "We're far from the fun places in New York City. And I ran out of books to read so I have nothing to do."

"You've been there for four days, how have you finished reading ten books?"

"Are you seriously questioning my ability to read?"

"Have you slept at all?"

"A bit, yeah." Like two hours a day.

"Well, you're stuck in there for another three days. Didn't you bring your sketchbook?"


"Well then draw something."

"It's not that simple, I don't have any motivation."

"So then what have you been doing?"

"Complain to you," I said with a laugh. "I don't know, Mikes."

"Okay. How about this. I won't talk to you until 6 o'clock your time. I won't answer the calls or messages. In that time you're going to go out and walk around and see what people you can burn without getting caught." I groaned.

"Mikey you're supposed to be preventing me from going to jail," I said with a sigh. "Do I have to?"

"Yes. I'll do the same."

"And how will I know if you're not just playing video games with Gerard?" I taunted. I got off the bed and began looking for clothes to wear.

"Because you love me, so you have to trust me."

"The unfortunate effects of love," I told him.

"Oh, shut up," he replied with a laugh. "What's that rustling noise?"

"Me moving. I'm looking for something to wear," I stated. I picked up a pair of shorts and changed quickly into them. I remained in the black tank top I was wearing.

"Sexy. I can hear you change."

"You're such a weirdo," I remarked with a laugh. I stood in front of the cracked mirror and did my makeup. I didn't go too extreme, just black eyeliner with gray eyeshadow and dark red lipstick. "Do I really have to go to outside?"

"I'm afraid so, love," Mikey said. "Talk to you around six, okay?"

"It's noon here, what am I supposed to do in six hours?"

"Figure it out. Love you. Bye Iris."

"Love you too, nerd." I brushed my hair and let it fall over my shoulders. I grabbed my wallet and phone before heading out of the room. I didn't run into anyone as I walked out of the house and into the foreign neighborhood. I quickly sent Mikey a message before beginning to walk down the street; I hate you, nerd. I don't know where to go. I hardly go outside alone back home, and even then I had a destination. This is something new to me. After a five minute walk, I called Mikey. "Asshole you better pick up."

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