Chapter 4|| God Forgive Us

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WEE!!! CHAPTER 4 ALREADY!!!.Slight excitement, ahem. Thank you guys for reading!

"I never really like my name much until I realized how great it tastes on a cake in frosting."
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Victoria's P.O.V.||
Rick and I have been on the road for a good hour, passing nothing but farm lands. We haven't talked, which I'm grateful for. I don't want to ruin the beautiful silence of this rural place. Suddenly he slams his hand down on the steering wheel. I winced at the sudden aggression, and stared at him in surprise.
"What is it?" I question.
"Out of gas," he said shortly. I nodded solemnly and grabbed my gun out of the glove compartment, checking it for ammo. Rick pulled over on the side of the road, sighed, and stepped out of his police car. He walked around to the back of the car and pulled a gas container out of the trunk, checking it for any gas. He groaned when he was met with silence.
"Come on, there's a gas station right up the road," he gritted out. I could tell he was irritated. We walked side by side up to the gas station, if I inhaled deep enough, I could smell traces of shampoo from the police department still on his body. As we walked, an old run down gas station slowly came into view. Cars littered the place, it's only been a few weeks since the beginning, but the cars were still rusted and broken. I slowed my walk slightly, making my footsteps quiet. Rick noticed my change in walk and attempted to do the same. We reached the sea of cars and almost immediately a rotting odor filled my nose, I coughed and tried to keep my eyes from tearing up. I noticed Rick doing the same as he looked into car windows. Rotting corpses sat unmoving in seats, blankets and toys scattered the ground. Once we got about a yard away from the gas pumps, we both sighed in disappointment. The gas pumps were out of order. We turned around and began to head back. As we were walking, Rick heard a noise that made him drop to the ground, unsure of what I should do, I dropped as well. Rick got in a push-up position and looked under a car. A pair of feet covered in bunny slippers were scooting along slowly, until they stopped and picked up a Teddy bear. A walker wouldn't stop for a Teddy bear, I realized. Apparently, Rick did to because he jumped up and walked around the car, with me following.
"Little girl," he whispered "little girl, I'm not going to hurt you, hey," he whispered to her. I began to feel uneasy about this, why wasn't she turning around? The little girl stopped and began to slowly turn around. My shoulders sagged as I saw why.
Her eyes were deep sunken and rimmed with red, the irises were gray and glassy. Her skin was gray and rough, and her mouth had a long jagged cut coming from it.
"Rick," I said, stunned. He looked to me and then back at the girl. She began to moan quietly and run as fast as she could at us, arms outstretched. Rick began backing up, but I stayed rooted to the spot, I just couldn't move.
"Victoria!" I heard him shout from somewhere behind me. Suddenly I felt his strong arms wrap around me as he forced me behind him as he shot the little girl. I looked down and walked forward, picking up her Teddy bear. I stuffed it into my bag as I felt a tear slip from my eye.
     This world, I hated it with a pure passion. Why must humanity be punished in this cruel way? What happened to there shall be no cruel and unusual punishment? A tight lipped smile form on my face at those words, but it quickly went away.
"Come on, we can walk from here," Rick grunts. He was obviously upset over what had just happened, and if I weren't already used to the walkers, I would be as well.
     After a few miles of walking, we came upon an old farm house. A rusty swing sat outside, along with an old pick-up truck. Rick immediately opened the truck door and searched it for keys. Not finding any, he slammed the door and walked up to the house.
"Hello? Anyone here? I'm a sheriff and was wondering if I could borrow some gas!" Rick yelled. Hearing no answer, he walked across the porch to a window, with me following him. A terrible, rotten stench came from an open window. Flies were everywhere, and after a few moments, I knew why.
Two rotting corpses were in the room, one sitting on a couch while the other lie in the floor. The corpse on the couch held a shotgun and, written on the wall in blood, was something that was hard to see. I leaned over the window and squinted my eyes, trying to make out the writing.
God forgive us.
Well, that's a downer.
Rick turned around and walked back to the swing.
"Hey," I said "I know it's scary but, it's gonna be just fine, we just gotta make it to Atlanta."
Rick looked up at me with those amazing blue eyes and nodded. Suddenly I spotted two horses out in a pasture, Rick must've to because he stood up and started walking over. He walked inside the barn and grabbed two ropes, handing me one. I walked in front of him and opened the gate, making the horses rear up and whinny.
"Hey, hey," Rick cooed. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm not one of them." I skipped in front of him and put a rope around a beautiful white horse while he roped a very built roan. We walked them into the barn and saddled them up, preparing for the ride.
"Have you ever ridden?" I asked once we had walked out into the pasture.
"Its been a while," he commented. I nodded and offered take the gun bag he had on his back but he decline, shrugging I nudged the horse forward into a slow trot. Rick attempted to do the same. He kicked the horse just a bit too harshly, and it took off.
"Whoa, horsey! Easy, easy!" He shouted. I laughed at him and raced after the tail of the roan, enjoying the ride.
The horse's hooves made a soft clop as they hit the asphalt of the highway into Atlanta. It was eerily quiet, and it kind of creeped me out. A sudden engine roaring caused Rick and I both to jump. I looked up around the skyscrapers trying to pin point the noise emitted from the sky. I looked to Rick with wide eyes, while he was looking to.
"Up there!" he said, pointing to the reflection of a skyscraper. A black, shiny helicopter was zooming through the air, and Rick and I took of after it. We zoomed through the city streets, trying to actually spot the helicopter. We turned a sharp corner and was met with a total nightmare.
Thousands of walkers filled the streets, and nearly every one of them knew we were there. The horses reared up and turned around only to begin galloping straight into yet another horde. I shrieked as my horse reared, throwing me off. Rick's horse did as well, knocking him on his ass. His horse began getting taken down by walkers, and I tried my best to tune out it's screams as I turned and ran. I heard Rick's pounding footsteps behind me as we turned a corner only to see our saving grace, a tank.
"Come on!" I shouted over the noise of walker moans. We ran and slid under the tank, not being able to crawl on top of it before other walkers did.
Tears slipped from my eyes, knowing this was the end. I kicked at the walkers with all my might, but to no avail. I looked over at Rick and saw him raising a gun to his head. I nodded slightly knowing that was better than becoming one of these things.
"Lori, Carl, I'm sorry," he muttered. He turned his head up to look at the tank and sat up immediately, climbing into it through a bottom latch. I nearly died from happiness, knowing that I wouldn't die, yet.
I climbed into the army tank and slammed the latch down. Rick and I looked at each other, breathing heavily and sweating. I groaned as I fell back against the cool metal of the tank. A soft moan filled my ears as I looked over to see a walker reaching his gnarled hands out to reach it's next meal. I gasped and brought my knife immediately into it's skull, staring past it. I looked down and pulled my knife out of it's temple, groaning at the physical strain.
Rick looked at me curiously, as if he was trying to figure me out. Well, good luck sheriff.

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