Chapter 7|| Changes

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Another chapter, another day. Thanks
for reading! Pic is her outfit for when she changes! And I also just listened to "Carl Poppa", check out that Youtube video!

"The right thing and the easy thing are never the same."
-Beautiful Creatures

+++ +++
Victoria's P.O.V||
Have you ever felt immobile? You know that you are able to move, but you just can't will yourself to do it. That's how I felt. My eyes were shut, and I couldn't bring myself to open them. There was a throbbing pain in my hand, and a hard floor beneath me. My breathing quickened as I realized I was in a truck. I opened my eyes slowly, looking around. I saw Morales in front of me and instantly felt relief slam me in the chest.
"W-," I stopped after the first syllable because my throat started burning at the effort of talking. I looked at Morales and he finally realized what I was asking.
"You got bit," he stated simply. I shot straight up and looked at my body. A tight bandage was wrapped around my left hand and I couldn't feel a body part that I knew was supposed to be there.
"We had to cut it off," Morales spoke up again, motioning towards my hand. My breathing quickened yet again, because I knew that I could still feel my hand there. I attempted to wiggle my fingers, and that's when I realized just exactly what they had cut off.  I knew that at least two of my fingers where missing, and I sighed dejectedly.

"Thank you," I muttered.
"I just hope that you'd do the same if it ever happened to me," he replied. I nodded and tried to smile, but it came it as a sort of grimace as I put weight on my injured hand.
"You okay back there?" Rick shouted from the drivers seat.
"Yeah," I tried to shout, but it came out as more of whisper.
"Yeah, everything's good," I said a bit louder.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Victoria. You should never have had to jump in front of me."
"I believe you'd do the same," I groaned slightly as the truck hit a bump and I fell back against my hands.
"Where's Glenn?" I looked around at everyone. "Merle?" They shook their heads.
"T-they're dead?"
"Not exactly," Andrea said softly.
"Glenn is on his way to the camp, Merle.. Merle was left on the roof." Jacqui filled me in. I sucked in a sharp breath.
"How? How could you leave him there?" I asked softly.
"It was my fault, I dropped the key down the drain," T-Dog explained, staring down at his feet. I nodded glumly while cradling my throbbing hand.
"Why do I feel so out of sorts? I know I just had a digit cut, but I feel like I'm about to pass out," I groaned as a pounding began in my head.
"You lost a lot of blood before we could find the bandages to patch you up, I'm sorry," Andrea informed me. She put her hand on my shoulder which for some reason made me feel better. I leaned against the back of the driver's seat and gently closed my eyes. I felt Rick's hand reach behind the seat and squeeze my shoulder before returning to the wheel. I grinned lightly.

When we arrived at the so-called camp, Glenn's sports car was disabled, people were shouting at him, and I was half-asleep.
"Victoria," Jacqui cooed "Wake up sleepy head, we're here," she chipped. I sat up groggily and went to rub my eyes before I was bluntly reminder of my missing digits. I sighed dejectedly and bolted upright when I heard a yell. I dashed out of the back of the truck to see Rick kneeling on the ground, cradling a little boy. His shoulders were shaking, and sobbing sounds were coming from him. I looked up to see a woman, Lori if I remember from the picture, looking over them with what looked like... guilt. Why would his wife be guilty? She was his wife, and after not seeing him for six months, all she can do is stare at him. I raise my eyebrows. Something isn't right.

This was super short, very sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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