Chapter 6|| Infected

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It's taking forever to write this! It's already chapter 6 and I'm still on episode one! There will probably be a sequel (spoilers)! I'm just so excited to see where this book goes, also please vote for chapters! I won't be an idiotic writer saying I have to have so many votes for another chapter, but please vote! Thank you all, my walkers.

"You are perfectly imperfect and inevitably flawed-and you are beautiful."
                           - Amy Bloom
                         +++     +++
Rick's P.O.V.||
      "Walker in the sewer," Glenn said. I looked over at Victoria who seemed to be thinking. I bit my lip in the bad habit that Lori usually scolded me for.
"I think I have an idea," I said. Glenn and Victoria looked up at me as I began to turn around, heading to the door Victoria and I had first entered through.
"Glenn, suit up, we need to kill a walker," I explained. He looked at me curiously, but obliged.

     Dragging the walker from the place we had killed it  back to the apartment store was harder than actual process of killing it. I looked up as we heard a door swinging open, seeing Victoria hold the door open.

"Come on," she hissed, spotting a walker. We pulled the dead body through the door as quickly as possible, ignoring our aching muscles. Once the body was inside and the door was shut, Glenn and I sprawled out an the floor, catching our breath.
"Victoria," I breathed. She looked down at me with her cerulean blue eyes.

"We need lab coats, for everyone," I panted. She nodded and jogged back to the front of apartment store.

"Here, Rick," Victoria jogged back to us, brandishing lab coats. Everyone,  except Merle, had gathered into the basement.

"What's going on?" Andrea questioned as I  walked over to the wall, extracting an ax from a glass case.
"We have to cut the walker up, cover ourselves in it's blood. There's a construction site a few blocks down with a truck big enough for all of us. If we cover ourselves up, the walkers won't be able to smell us," I glanced at each of them.

"Glenn and Victoria, will you please come with me?" Victoria nodded while Glenn groaned. I rose the ax above my head, ready to swing when I stopped. I got questioning looks from everyone. I bent down and searched through the walker's pockets, pulling out his wallet.

Victoria's P.O.V. ||
     Rick's idea was brilliant. After he had asked me to join him, I immediately said yes. I watched as he lifted the ax above his head, ready to swing down. Just before he swung down, he sat the ax down and bent down. I watched as Rick's hands went down the body. Reaching his hip pocket, Rick pulled out what looked like a wallet. I looked at him with renewed confusion, why would he need a dead man's wallet?

     "His name was Wayne. He had twenty-eight dollars when he died and a picture of a pretty girl.  He was just like us, paying bills, worrying about rent... When I find my family, I'm going to tell them about Wayne," Rick confirmed, preparing the ax again. He took a deep breath, swinging down the ax while he exhaled. The stereotypical sound of guts splattering filled the basement. A chill went down my spine as I heard it. Rick looked around and brought the ax down again, digging further into the dead body. Rick chopped deep into it's stomach, turning the intestines into mush, and finally stopped. With Glenn's vomit on the floor and tears running down Jacqui's eyes, we stepped forward to be slathered in walker blood. Glenn look like he was about to be sick again.

      I looked into everyone's eyes, mentally saying goodbye. I knew this could possibly be last time I saw them again. I sighed and stepped forward, twisting the knob and stepping out into the walker infested roads of Atlanta.

       Moans. Snapping of teeth. Shuffling feet.
                      Rain. A single drop. A downpour.

     "Run!" Rick yelled, as we took off towards the fence ahead of us.
"Get to the truck!" He yelled from behind us, hacking into walkers.

"Rick!" I screamed, running back to help him. The walkers began surrounding him and I knew for one of us it would be the end. I jumped into the crowd, shoving walkers away from us and grabbing Rick's hand. We began running, attempting to get out of the quickly enclosing circle of the dead.

"Go," I whispered. "I can distract them."
"No, I'm not leaving you," he replied sternly.
"Yes you are," I squeezed his hand gently and took off, running away from them, screaming and banging against the fence.  I could see Rick climbing the fence, taking off running beside me on the other side. A walker reached out and grabbed my hand and bit deep into my finger.

     Red. Metal. A pulling on my arm.
         A scrape on my side. Screaming in my ear.
(A/N: I know it was short but like, I wanted to end it here.)

World Gone To Shit (A Walking Dead Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz