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One choice.

One simple trip that was supposed to be short, led to this.

One simple stop at the gas station and my life was over.


"I'm coming!" I was laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling, when I heard my older sister, Raeden call from her room. She was answering my mother who had addressed her from downstairs.

Even without seeing her, I could tell she had been applying her pounds and pounds of makeup. It always takes her at least five hundred years.

She was headed to her friend's birthday party and had to leave early. She says she needed to stop by the gas station and pick her up a cheap present.

I heard her friend wasn't too picky so she'd be satisfied with candy or makeup or some junk like that.

When my clownish-looking sister emerged from her prison she called a room, she was wearing bright orange pants with a blue top. I'd have her play the clown for my birthday if I weren't so old.

She gave me a random, unneeded dirty look as I watch from my room. She bounded down the steps before I heard the back door squeak open and slam shut.

I relaxed more without her being in the house. My relaxation and lack of awareness caused me to jump out of bed almost instantly once I heard the back door fly open again.

My sister was obviously impatient when she screamed up the stairs, "Hunter! Mom said you gotta come with!"

I sighed deeply. I hadn't planned on doing anything this weekend but unfortunately for me, my plans changed.

Honestly, I don't really care what I look like in public. Raeden says I dress like an Underarmour model gone wrong. I take it as a compliment.

Once I threw on a random shirt that was stuffed under my bed, I headed down the stairs, out the door, and to the car. When I had gotten settled inside, my mom had to explain herself of course. I never would've asked but like always, she always has to talk.

"I hate to pull you from your cave but we just don't spend enough time together, Hunter." She started the ignition and lightly pressed on the gas.

Pulling out of the driveway, I stared out the window. I wondered if Jake and the question cop would be back by dinner.

The question cop was a close friend with my mom. I figured out his real name was Rich. He had taken Jake fishing. They weren't leaving me out, I just declined his offer to go. I wasn't getting much sleep the passed couple of days and I just wanted to relax as much as I was able.

We reached the station in about two or three minutes, including the time it took us to find a decent parking space.

Without a word or hesitation, Raeden hopped out and headed for the entrance. Once I witnessed her enter and the doors close behind her, I held my breath instantly because no doubt, you know how girls are.
They take absolutely forever when it comes to any form or type of shopping.

That meant weird conversations and awkward silent moments between me and mom.


She began the moment of torture. "So, enjoying yourself?"

Oh, God.

Gas Station (Sequel To 'Seen')Where stories live. Discover now